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Saturday, August 18, 2007

August 18, 2007 & Unconditional Love

For far too many of us, "unconditional love" is a concept that seems beyond our human experience. And, therefore, many people don't even make an attempt to transcend the limited concepts of love in order to experience unconditional love. We cannot experience unconditional love personally as long as we withhold our love for any reason. Terry Cole-Whittaker wrote; "there is never any justification to withhold love" ... and I agree with her, for God never withholds love and we are here as "God made visible" to express the nature of God. Let's move in mind towards this Highest of Truth:

As I recognize God, Infinite Mind, I know and accept that I am in this Mind and of this Mind; I and the Father ... are One. And as I unify in mind, with that which I have recognized as the Truth, I begin to unfold a greater idea of Love in my mind. I realize that Love is always Present in my Life for God is always Present in my Life. And in this understanding, I know that as I give Love, I can let go of any concept of conditions attached to Love whatsoever. I know that Love without conditions is God's Love expressing as me and for me ... and I accept that I am expressing unconditional Love in a greater and greater way every day. I loose the idea of judgments, assumptions and personal perceptions ... and I see Life as God sees It ... and I Love Life as God Loves It ... with unconditional Love for All people and All things. I embrace this new consciousness of unconditional Love ... it feels Good to me ... and I actualize it in my experiences, now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, August 17, 2007

August 17, 2007 & Friends

In the Science of Mind, page 297, Dr. Holmes writes: "Do we wish to attract friends? We must begin to image ideal relationships, be they social or otherwise, to sense and feel the presence of friends; to enjoy them in our mentalities, not as an illusion but as a reality, not as a dream but as an experience; to declare that their presence is here now." ... and on to page 299 for Dr. Holmes' treatment for friends:

"God in me is unified with God in all. This One is now drawing into my life all love and fellowship. I am one with all people, with all things, with all life. As I listen in the silence, the voice of all humanity speaks to me and answers the love that I hold out to it. The great love that I now feel for the world is the Love of God, and it is felt by all and comes back to me from all. I understand all people and this understanding is reflected back to me from all. I give friendship and therefore I have friends. I help, therefore, I am helped. I uplift, therefore, I am uplifted. I am now surrounded by all love, all friendship, all companionship, all health, all happiness, all success. I AM ONE WITH LIFE. I wait in the silence while the Great Spirit bears this message to the whole world." And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16, 2007 & Work

I believe that no matter what work we may currently be doing, we gain benefit from it. Our current work may appear to have nothing to do with the vision we have for ourselves, but let us not let appearances deceive us. The Universe is always supporting us in our Good ... and that means every day in every way. Let's know this is so:

As I recognize God, Infinite Presence, I recognize that I am always living in the Infinite Good that God Is. Every moment of every day, I am blessed with the love and support of the Infinite. Every moment of every day, Infinite Intelligence is working through me, as me, as I complete the work that is mine to do today. As I "double-think" ... and know that I am Spirit ... I know that the "spirit" in which I do anything ... is the thing that compensates me the greatest ... for it is this "spirit" that endures through this life with me and sustains me and maintains me in hope, joy, and abundant living. In all that I do, I feel a "spirit" rich in success and accomplishment. I know that I am always increasing my success consciousness by recognizing success in even the smallest accomplishments. I know that as I continue to express the rich-ness of spirit from within me, that my vision for greater success, and increased prosperity manifest in my life with grace and ease. Each and every day I "stir up the spirit within me" and in so doing, I am assured that each day will be filled with one success after another ... and in this I am certain. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 15, 2007 & Ideal Mate

I get many messages from people seeking their ideal mate; husband or wife. I am always knowing that we all get what we seek ... for what we are seeking is seeking us ... oftentimes I will send them this prayer-treatment written by Dr. Joseph Murphy:

God is one and indivisible. In Him we live, move, and have our being. I know and believe that God indwells every person; I am one with God and with all people. I now attract the right woman/man who is in complete accord with me. This is a spiritual union, because it is the spirit of God functioning through the personality of someone with whom I blend perfectly. I know I can give to this woman/man love, light, and truth. I know I can make this woman's/man's life full, complete, and wonderful. I now decree that she/he possesses the following qualities and attributes; i.e., she/he is spiritual, loyal, faithful, and true. She/He is harmonious, peaceful, and happy. We are irresistibly attracted to each other. Only that which belongs to love, truth, and wholeness can enter my experience. I accept my ideal companion now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
If you use this treatment, write and let me know how wonderfully it worked for you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August 14, 2007 & Love Explosion

The Love of God is filling my mind with a great surge of love and happiness. This love cannot be contained within me and so I am knowing that it goes out to all in the world who desire to experience more love, more joy, more happiness ... now. This love flowing through me is dynamic and enthusiastic ... it is alive with Spirit, Life and Truth. I am knowing that this beautiful expression of God's Love pulsing through me knows no limits and is not limited to person, place or thing ... it is for all the world to enjoy ... with light and laughter. I believe in Life and I believe in the Power of Love ... and I release this powerful love unconditionally into the world-consciousness, knowing that It does Its Perfect work in all who accept It in their hearts and minds. I bless each and every person with more and more Love, more Happiness and more Joy ... and I know this blessing returns to me ... multiplied abundantly ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, August 13, 2007

August 13, 2007 & The Gift Within

Each day I read a paragraph from the "Runner's Bible" written by Nora Holm, titled, "Neglect not the gift that is in thee" taken from the 1st Book of Timothy in the scripture. One of the statements that always stands out for me is; "You can have all the power in all ways, that you need; and you will have as much as you desire and seek for, if you live - not after the flesh, but after the spirit, looking to "the things that are above." This is followed by; "Aim for perfection. Perfection is God. Remember, too, that this work has been delegated to you to do, can be done by none other; therefore be faithful, be true. Trust." And about this time my mind is on "WOW" ... and I feel an even greater confidence and self-assurance concerning the things that I am doing. I believe these statements apply to each and every one of us, no matter what our gift may be ... and I am knowing this right now:

As I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I recognize that God has infinitely gifted each and every one of us with a Divine Purpose. As we become aware of the experiences in our life ... the things that come natural to us ... the things that are appealing to us ... and the things that bring a sense of ease to our mind ... we realize that these things are of God ... they have the essence of Divinity to us. I know that as a farmer finds the nature of God as he plants a seed, I know that as I give of my skills, abilities and talents, that I am acting in the nature of God as well. I declare within myself that I am not neglecting the gift that is within me ... in my consciousness, I am enlarging and expanding my capacities in order to give more and more of this gift to all those who seek to share in it. As I aim for perfection, I know that I am aiming for God; the Power and the Presence of the One ... within me. I release my imprisoned splendor with confidence and joy knowing and trusting God's Perfect Work is expressing through me and as me. And for this I am delightfully grateful. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007 & Depression

The master metaphysician, Louise Hay, wrote in her book, "You Can Heal Your Life," that depression comes from the thoughts of "anger you feel that you do not have a right to have" and "hopelessness" ... and both of these are very valid ... but there is another "cause" that, I believe, is more prevalent. And that is that we are repressing something within us, that Spirit wants to express through us. And oftentimes, we do not know what it is because our mind is so consumed with the depression that we don't let the idea in that will free us from it. Let us move in mind to open our consciousness to the awareness of what Spirit is seeking to express through us now:

In the silence of my own consciousness, I believe in an absolute, unconditioned, Principle, operating spontaneously, that responds to my direction, right now. I know that as I declare that I have the awareness of what Spirit desires to express through me, as me, and for me ... that which is to be expressed is revealed to me. I know that Spirit is motivated by Love and in my desire to co-create with It, a loving response is given to me. I know that nothing hinders the unfoldment of this idea in my mind. I accept it consciously and I act on it, as the idea comes to the surface of my mind. Knowing that God is in the midst-of-me, I am confident of my role in expressing this desire, and I know that only an expansion of Good is unfolding for me ... as I have established this as the Law of my mind now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates