Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 12, 2008 & Way of the Spirit

"My Father in Heaven, Infinite Spirit of life and love and wisdom and power, in whom I live and move and have my being, whence cometh my help, manifest Thyself in me.

Help me to open myself to the highest wisdom and insight and love and power, that I may serve Thee and my fellow-men, and all my fellow-creatures faithfully, and that I may have the Divine guidance and care, and that all my needs be supplied.

Oh Christ within, enfold and lead me and reign supreme, that the One Life that is my life I may realize and manifest ever more fully.

I am strong in the Infinite Spirit of life and love and wisdom and power. I have and shall have the Divine guidance and care; for it is the Father that worketh in me - my Father works and I work." ... Ralph Waldo Trine, "In Tune With The Infinite" first published 1899

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008 & "Be Versatile"

"KEEP FAITH WITH YOUR SECRET DESIRES. Your dreams, your aspirations, your hopes are meaningful and important. They must see the light of day. Believe in your unseen ability and develop your hidden talents. Make your dreams come true. ... Your major decision - your life's work or profession - should dominate your thinking, and rightly so. Subconscious law works relentlessly to achieve this." - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, Collected Essays

I rejoice and give thanks knowing that the secret desires of my heart have been planted there by the only Intelligence there Is, God, Infinite Presence. Knowing that my desire to succeed in my chosen profession is God's desire for me, I am relentless in gaining the knowledge and the aptitude to demonstrate this profession in my own unique way. I am always interested and fascinated with the work that I do, knowing that there is always something new to be expressed. I open my mind to prosperity and know that what I do is worthy and deserving of abundant compensation. I am always compensated for my efforts and money comes to me with ease as my mind is always focused on doing my best at all times. I am never without the right idea to expand my work beyond what I have accomplished in the past. I know that my decision to accept the Divine ideas that come to my awareness will always bring me success and prosperity as I act on them with the intention to succeed. I am happy with my success and happy to further my success in all areas of my life. I am accomplished at being versatile and am always open and receptive to the Good that God has for me, now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10, 2008 & "infinite"

In the awareness that my mind is one with the One Mind that is God, I know and understand that Mind is All-Knowing. And as I turn from the limitations of the physical to Infinite Intelligence, I loose in my mind all thoughts of limitation. I am never limited in my capacity to be prospered, to be healed or to be blessed. Knowing that I am not limited to my human imagination, I believe and realize that there are infinite ways in which God, Infinite Intelligence, brings forth into my experience the Good that I accept for myself and for others. My mind is open to the mystery of God-Mind as It works through me to create a life that is far grander than I can imagine for myself. In this moment, I accept love, health, joy, and peace in all things that concern me. I accept my relationship with the Divine as one of support and guidance. I know that Mind brings to my awareness all that I need to know when I need to know it, in expected and unexpected ways. I know that Mind brings to my awareness the ideas that will prosper me and bring me the great success in that which I choose to accomplish. I know that Mind is never limited by time or space, and all things manifest in my experience in the right and perfect time. As I believe that I am always in the midst of Right Action, all things come together for my Good ... no matter what the seeming appearance may be. I affirm and declare that all is Good in my life now, and always. I affirm and declare that my health, my wealth, my joy, and my peace ... reflect my relationship with the Infinite ... and I am blessed in infinite ways always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

December 9, 2008 & Nonresistance

"We generally seem to resist change, even that which is better for us. We also appear to resist being what we really are. We need to learn carefully and surely to permit ourselves to accept the fuller expression of the Mind that is within us. Against this there must be no resistance. For in Its creative flow through us rests our entire future—the greater person we may be and the richer life we desire to enjoy.
When we establish within our thought a nonresistance to that Power which is greater than we are, we are at the same time accepting within ourselves a stability that is the stability of the universe. We find ourselves secure, for we know that we are part of That which causes change but is never affected by any of the changes. As we gradually attain this sense of security, we will find that we view the changes occurring about us in a proper perspective. We will have stopped letting ourselves be blown about like straws in the wind or tossed helplessly about in a turbulent sea whose waves are doubt and fear and anxiety.
We may liken ourselves to the atom, whose center or nucleus is relatively stable. Around it revolve the electrons in orderly, harmonious orbits. In much the same way, once we discover the stable center that resides within us, all our experiences will revolve around us in an orderly way. Once our consciousness becomes stabilized through security founded on a conviction of the nature of God, and we come to have an inner awareness that the Creative Intelligence of the universe resides at the center of us, then will our experiences take on a pattern of harmony—a natural outflowing of our inner security." - Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

I am open and receptive to the Divine influx within me for expansion and increase in every Good thing I now possess. I know and realize God's perfect movement in my consciousness expanding my awareness of Good. I accept a greater Good and I know that it is mine now. And so it is!

Keep the faith!

Rev. Bates

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

December 8, 2008 & Invisible Supply

As I recognize that God is Omnipresent ... All Presence ... I know that I am always in the Presence ... of Good. There is that within me that always knows, and knows that I know, that I can depend on this Invisible Presence and Power to sustain me in all that I do. I absolutely believe and know I believe ... in the Good ... God, for there is nothing in me that denies the Truth. I enjoy my relationship with God knowing that God has infused in me great faith and trust in Its Infinite Supply to supply me with every Good thing I can accept for myself. Divine Mind has brought to my awareness of an abundant Universe with enough to share and to spare for everyone. I always look to share the Good that God supplies to me through my consciousness of abundance. I give freely and joyfully, knowing that as I do, I am expressing the Abundant Life that is God, Infinite Spirit. I register abundance in my mind knowing that as I create within, I experience without ... for that is the Law of God. And for this awareness and understanding, I give thanks. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7, 2008 & Passion for Life

Passion for Life is a necessity for accomplishment. Our inner passion for the things that we do and the way in which we do them, determines our results. I developed a passion early in life for the spiritual, always seeking to know more and more about my relationship with God, Infinite Spirit. This passion is always deep within me and as I move through my life, I have noticed that rather than lessening, my passion for life, for God, for Truth, continues to expand. It is this growth and expansion that is normal and natural as we align ourselves more and more with the Truth of our Being. Let's know together that this is the Truth for all of us:

I rejoice and give thanks that I am impelled to seek more and more of the Truth. Knowing that God Is All and All Is God ... I recognize and realize that All that I am is God. In this awareness I can always find my peace in any situation; my joy every single day, and my success increasing with certainty. I know and understand that as I unify my thoughts with my Divine Nature, that part of God within me ... that all things work to my Good. I am never without the guidance and direction I require to expand my consciousness of Truth. Each and every day I find myself growing ever closer to realizing a greater awareness of my purpose and my passion for life. I am always right where I am supposed to be ... and always have all that I am supposed to have at any given moment. The All that I ever need is my awareness that God's Presence and Power is right where I am ... and that this Presence has a personal interest in me and always responds to me ... and for this I am eternally grateful. I accept this as the Truth for me and for you ... now and always. Let's let it be so ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, January 6, 2008

December 6, 2008 & This Thing Called Life

"I am surrounded by an Infinite Intelligence which reacts to my thought. I realize that the creative power of this Divine Intelligence is with me now, and I know that I am using this Power and that my word, operating through It, will cause It to bring into my experience the good which I desire. I accept the Good that I think in my mind this moment. Believing in divine guidance, I know that my mind is continuously impressed with the images of right action. I know that everything in my life is controlled by the action of Truth and Love. I am led, guided and inspired by the living Spirit. I am compelled to move in the right direction, always to know what to do and how to do it. I know that inwardly I am spiritually perfect, I have complete happiness, and I experience an abundance of good. Happiness and success rightfully belong to me. I am successful in all my undertakings, especially the demonstration of the Good that I accept in this moment." - Ernest Holmes, "This Thing Called Life"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates