Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Harmony at the Center of Everything

From Dr. Ernest Holmes:
I have a deep and abiding conviction that there is one divine and perfect Presence in the universe; that the spirit of Truth is everywhere; that God is right where I am. There is neither doubt, confusion, nor fear, for I know I am rooted in the one and only perfect and divine Presence.

I also realize that the divine Law of Life operates upon my word to bring about definite results in my affairs and the affairs of those for whom I am thinking. I have a complete confidence in the Law of Good, an unshakable trust in It, and complete reliance upon It. I know, as Jesus said, that "all things are possible to God;" that there is no limitation to the Law of Good. Therefore, in quiet confidence, in calmness and peace, and in perfect trust, I speak my word and accept for myself and all others, loving companionship, prosperity, joy, success, and peace.
I am conscious that I am surrounded by Divine Love and Infinite Wisdom, and that the Life of God is my life now. I know that there is nothing in me which can hinder Divine Intelligence from governing my affairs, from daily guiding me into right action, therefore, I affirm that at all times I know what to do and am impelled intelligently to act on every right impression that comes to me. ... And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Irresistible Word

The Truth within me is unassailable, and the Power of the Word is irresistible. I can now feel that my Word has gone forth with Power and Reality, and that it will accomplish that purpose for which it was created. Limitless is its Power and wonderful are its works. It can be nothing less than the Almighty working in and through me. I will let this Word of the Spirit go forth from my mouth, and heal and bless the world. It shall be as a strong tower unto all who call upon it. The Truth is Complete and Perfect, and is within me now.
My Word is complete and perfect, now.
(Dr. Ernest Holmes, Meditations, The Science of Mind)

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Persuasive Conviction

Keeping my mind on God, the Good, I am aware that God Is in All and through All ... including me. I am convinced that Good surrounds me for my mental work is always very persuasive. I am enthusiastic about life each and every day, for I know that Spirit is always seeking to express more love, more joy, and more passion ... through me. I always get into the spirit of things for I know that as I do I am unifying with the Spirit of Life Itself. What a wonderful life this is! I am enjoying this experience of Life immensely for I am always One with the Good. My state of mind is always one of faith and conviction that God is right here where I am, always ... and so I know that right where I am, at any given moment, Good is available to me; success, prosperity, joy, love, harmony, happiness, peace ... all of the Spirit and all of me! And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 23, 2008 & For Prosperity

From Florence Scovel Shinn: "God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of money come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways."
In the awareness that God and I are One, I am aware that this One, is Mind. As the Mind of God is Infinite Intelligence, All-Knowing, I know that every idea necessary for my unfailing supply to materialize in my world of experience comes to me in the right and perfect time and the right and perfect way. Knowing that my desires are Spirit's way of guiding me to open my mind to new ideas and greater success and prosperity, I act on these desires now. I mentally dwell on the idea of myself as successful and prosperous. I willingly release any and all ideas or thoughts that contradict my success and prosperity. I consciously choose to live in the present moment, never allowing past experiences to hinder my development of a consciousness that embodies success and prosperity as the law of my life. I direct my consciousness to accept the Good that is mine now, knowing that God works through my consciousness to demonstrate the measure of success and prosperity that I accept as mine. Large sums of money come to me as thousands and thousands of dollars to share and to spare. I receive from the infinite abundance and I give freely of all that I receive knowing that as I prosper others, I am prospered. The law of my life is aligned with the nature of Universal Law and so as I give, I receive and as I receive I give, always participating in the Divine Circulation of Good. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22, 2008 & The Power That I Use

I know and believe the ancient scripture that reads, "In Him we live and move and have our being" ... and in this understanding, I know that All Power is mine to use, and I use it with confidence and wisdom. I accept that I am "in It to win" this game called life, and I expect and I accept, my success and prosperity now. I am Divinely guided to that which is for me and I trust in Infinite Intelligence to supply me with the way and the means to do that which I am to do. I feel a sense of great joy in knowing that God is always with me, always for me. And in this realization of my personal relationship with God, I am open to new opportunities and even the unknown, for I am assured that no matter where I may go, I never walk alone. It is with a grateful heart that I silently affirm that I am blessed ... and I know that God is so very, very wonderful to me! And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21, 2008 & Living and Loving

The following prayer-treatment was written by Dr. O. C. Smith, March 1988
Today I trust in Divine Guidance. I rely upon GOD’S WISDOM to make straight my way, perfecting and harmonizing every situation in my life. My belief is in this Divine security, and I know that all is not only well with me and my affairs, but is also well with those with whom I associate. The everlasting arms support and sustain each of us, perfectly. And So It Is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 20, 2008 & Breath of God

The following is from Dr. Ernest Holmes, author of "The Science of Mind":
It is written that the breath of God animates creation, with the living presence of a pure divinity.
My entire body is now a receptive channel for the operation of God-Life. My thought is pure, relaxed and peaceful. My breathing is not obstructed (asthma); my thought is not sensitive to any discordant or disagreeable sentiment (hay fever), as Mind could not entertain a disgreeable sentiment. I breathe in the eternal Life Essence. By this breath I am purified and made strong. I am freed from the belief in anything unlike Perfection. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates