Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Am Grateful

I rejoice and give thanks that I know that there is only One Presence, One Power and One Intelligence .... moving as Mind throughout the cosmos. I know that I am of this Presence, this Power and this Intelligence ... and in this understanding I realize and recognize that I can claim the riches that are mine now. I know that as I claim that which is mine, God responds to me ... and in this deepest acknowledgement of my unity with the Creator, my spirt sings and soars in heightened enthusiasm and expectation. My Good is my God and my God is here and now ... and this is the Truth that sets me free from thoughts of delay or obstruction. I give thanks for the fulfillment of the Good that is mine in this very moment. God's peace fills my soul and permeates my mind. I rest in quiet confidence that God, Infinite Spirit responds to me now. I let it be so ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer-Treatment for A Marriage

From "Think Yourself Rich" by Dr. Joseph Murphy: (change the gender as appropriate)

I know my desire for marriage and happiness is the voice of God in me urging me to lead a full and happy life. I know that I am one with the Infinite now. I know and believe there is a man waiting to love and cherish me. I know I can contribute to his happiness and peace. I can be a great asset to him. I can cherish, love, and inspire him to greatness, just as he inspires me. He loves my ideals, and I love his ideals. He does not want to make me over; neither do I want to make him over. There are mutual love, freedom, and respect between us. These words go forth and accomplish whereunto they are sent. I have written this request in my subconscious mind with faith and confidence, and I decree it is done, finished, and established in my deeper mind. Whenever I think of marriage, I shall remind myself that the Infinite Intelligence of my subconscious is bringing this to pass in Divine order.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates