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Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Look Within for My Good - by Rev-Henry Bates

I recognize that the Presence of G-d is in and through all things. It is Intelligence, Power and Spirit. Besides G-d there is nothing. G-d is All and All is G-d. And in this awareness, I know and accept that I am a part of this Presence, this Spirit, this Intelligence and this Power. The good desires within me cannot be contained or limited. They must be expressed and experienced. They have been gifted to me to experience, to enjoy, to feel the happiness of knowing that G-d is working through me.

Always knowing that the only good I will ever experience comes from one Source, I look within to accept and to know that the Spirit of G-d is responding to me in the affirmative. I feel this Presence within me as peace, as trust, as faith, and as a definite knowing that my good is assured. I rest in quiet confidence knowing that all things come to me in the right and perfect time and in the right and perfect way. I do not judge the events in my outer world, but instead, I look within and stir up the spirit of joy, of gratitude, of acceptance and of peace of mind. I know, and I know that I know, that G-d is responding to me. It is the promise kept as I keep faith with G-d and with the good that is mine. I look within for my good and I find it.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates