Faith Offering / Donation


Friday, July 27, 2007

July 27, 2007 & Happiness

"Love & Happiness" ... the words always remind me of the classic Al Green song ... and always give me a warm feeling about Life. God Is Love and we are here to express the Spirit of God, so it is only logical that we are here to express love ... and in expressing love, we shall be happy. Let's know it is so for us today and every day:

Recognizing that I am "in God and of God" ... I know that within me is all the love and happiness I desire to experience. As my thoughts are centered on my Divine nature, I feel a greater sense of the love, beauty, harmony, strength, and joy that is my true nature ... and the nature of God. I do not abandon my own unique personality in expressing God, as God expresses uniquely through me and as me at all times. I celebrate the love and happiness that I am experiencing today and I know that as my mind is steadfast on the Good, on God ... that love and happiness will always be reflected in my daily experiences ... and I give thanks to God for this and so much more ... today and every day. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates


Dan said...

Thank you for your prayers. I like them, because they bring the science of mind and god again closer to me.

dougnps said...

I love today's message because it is so powerful and beautiful...and also because it is my birthday (27 July) and what a wonderful message and treatment to experience on the anniversary that celebrates my life.

Thank you for this and all you do!


Anonymous said...

"within me is all the love and happiness I desire to experience"...I love this, everything is within! I so much wish I could remember it constantly...and of course I will, eventually^^