Faith Offering / Donation


Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 2, 2007 & All-Ways

Today my Blog has been locked as part of Blogger's spam-prevention. I understand that these things are necessary, however, I have made the commitment to write a treatment on this blog every day. So, I am writing it and it will go into "draft" until Blogger releases the lock. I am knowing that this is done already in the Mind of God.

Knowing that God blesses us always and in All-ways, I am confident that whatever comes to me is always for my highest and greatest Good. I am not distracted or hindered by anything outside of my "decision" to do that which I am to do ... or to accept a greater Good for myself and all others. I accept for myself and for all others that this is the Truth for me now and always. Knowing that all is in Right Action, I am aware that there is always more going on ... for me ... than I may be consciously aware. So, I accept the Good that I see and I accept the Good that is, as of yet, un-seen by me. Omnipresent Good is my belief ... and I let this belief be demonstrated in my experience now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev. Bates


Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so that it
will no longer appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger and sign
back in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for your patience,
and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

The Blogger Team

1 comment:

dougnps said...

You know some people might see that as a test, to see if you're really dedicated to what you say...I say to that well OK but who's testing. NOT GOD ...NEVER GOD, man maybe or somehow our self, we may create blocks to the things we want to accomplish. Yes in fact after writing that it clear that that's usually where these TESTS come from ...for me. GOD doesn't ever put blocks in our way that's in direct opposition to free will. GOD created us in his/her image as creators and we are usually the one in our own way in fact who else could be (in our way) really?