Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, August 11, 2007

August 11, 2007 & As Within, So Without

Dr. Wayne Dyer's new book is titled, "change your thoughts ... change your life" ... and as we understand the Universal Law of Creation, we know that the only way in which our world changes is through the thoughts and images that we conceive within our mind. We can blame the world, our friends, family and even ourselves for the conditions that we experience ... but nothing will change until we "change our thoughts" ... let's begin to do that now:

Recognizing that I am a Center of Creative Mind, I understand and know that my thoughts create my world of affairs. I cannot "do over" the thoughts of yesterday or even an hour ago ... but as I open my mind to the One Creative Mind ... and align my thinking with Its nature ... which is Good and very Good ... then I begin to move, in mind, to that which I desire to accomplish or to experience. No one controls my mind ... but me ... and I control no other's mind but my own ... my mind is focused on the Good, the Lovely, and the Wonderful in All things and in All people. The people and conditions that I experience are but my consciousness reflecting back to me my thoughts about those around me and the way in which I think about my world of experience. I hold everyone and everything in my mind, as God in expression ... and I am not blinded to the Truth by any appearance that attempts to contradict this highest level of thinking that is normal and natural for me. I think Good within ... I experience Good without ... this is the Truth for me now and always. And so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates


dougnps said...

I saw Wayne Dyer yesterday on PBS during their fund raising event he was pushing something called "the whole enchilada" and if you sent in $365 to PBS you got a bunch of stuff. All fine and good but as I watched he was talking about the Tao and his entire book is about understanding the Tao. The title is "Change your thinking Change Your Life" . And inside he has some meditations that he promises if you do them 81 times or on the 81st time your BEING will change & you will operate in a new way with some spiritual high ground you didn't have before. I don't know that just doesn't sit well with me it's like there's magic in the number somewhere and not in the meditation. Today I think I'll stick with SOM and my mind and Gods mind and sit quietly in the knowledge of ONE MIND and be content with the "magic" I find there

Iris said...

Dr. Dyer didn't invent the 81 meditations, dougnps. There is a book of them adapted from the teachings of Lao Tzu, called The Tao of Calm by Dr. Pamela Metz, and it's not magic, it's a guide. A guide for people who want to find a path of calmness in their lives. And as far as charging money for it, well, the book isn't free; the author is providing a service or information or both, and expects payment. I don't buy this notion of something not being authentic unless it's free.

At any rate, if you'd rather not spend your own money to read what the 81 meditations are all about, there is Google, and there is a public library somewhere who has bought the book for you and you can borrow it.

FWIW, I watched part of Dr. Dyer's PBS fundraiser, and I found a lot in common with what I've been reading the last few months in the Science of Mind magazine. Perhaps with an open mind others can see similarities, also?

Just thought I'd jump in with my 2 cents. Thank you - you may return to your regularly scheduled programming.

dougnps said...

Iris I think you misunderstood me. I think he ( Dr. Dyer or any of us) has the right to make a living or charge money for whatever we see fit. And I wasn't attacking him either I in fact like him very much. Plus he was raising money for PBS broadcasting not you see I couldn't care less about the money. And I'm sorry I put you in a position where you felt the need to defend him...again not my intent. The only thing I was pointing out was the idea that we have to do a task or recite a prayer X number of times for it to have an affect on us...FOR ME (making it a personal choice) that implies the Magic or substance is in the number of times you do it and not in the content itself. You can almost picture someone looking for some relief hurrying through the process and counting down how many times they have left before it works. You see I was trying (and without much success it would appear) to convey some humor to this idea. (as I see it)

And I assure you I have an open mind and yes there's a lot of Science of Mind in what he says. In fact the title of his book "Change your Thinking Change Your Life" an idea embedded at the core of SOM. He ( Dr. Dyer ) must be demonstrating his sense of humor too as I pointed out he called the package you would receive for your $365 DONATION to PBS "the whole Enchilada" not too serious in my opinion.
So Iris thank you for your input because it gave me a chance to clear up what a lot of people probably also saw as criticism of Dr. Wayne Dyer which was really only meant to make you think a little and laugh a bit too.