Faith Offering / Donation


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 8, 2007 & Divine Guidance

Most of us have had times when we have found ourselves in need of Divine Guidance. This may concern a relationship, a career move ... or move out of state. Anytime we find ourselves feeling uncertain about something, it is time to seek Divine Guidance:

I am surrounded by Divine Law and Order and I realize that Order is the Law of the Universe. And in this understanding, I am filled with the consciousness of right action. I know that my way is unique and that I move with God in all that I do. I do not compete with anyone knowing that my mind is One with Creative Mind, and in this realization, I can accept that I am guided and directed by Infinite Intelligence to know and to do that which is for my highest and greatest Good. In quiet confidence, I listen to the still small voice within and I know that It desires only the very best for me ... Its guidance resonants with me and I confidently move forward knowing and trusting that all is in Divine Order. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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