Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 1, 2007 & Divine Ideas

"God is forever doing new things, and when we conceive new ideas, it is an act of the Divine projecting Itself into Creation. There were no flying machines until man made them. The Spirit did not have a lot of little flying machine models put away in a cosmic cupboard somewhere. But the mind that conceived the possibility of the flying machine is God. The mind we use is the Mind of the Universe. This is God in man and it is only through this Mind that we understand anything. This Mind in us, responding to us, "the flight of the Alone to the Alone," of "the One to Itself," is God speaking and God answering." - Dr. Ernest Holmes, "The Science of Mind"

As I recognize a greater idea for myself, I am recognizing the Spirit of God within me. I know that the ideas of success, prosperity and greater happiness, that are pressing against my mind, are the ideas that the Divine desires to express through me. I am receptive to these ideas and I mentally conceive them as being mine now. I dwell on success, prosperity, happiness and joy ... and I know that Mind responds to my contemplations and meditations on these things. I am assured of success for God is success in me. I am assured of prosperous living for God is supply within me. I am assured of happiness ... for God is happiness and so much more within me. And for this, I am grateful. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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