Faith Offering / Donation


Friday, August 8, 2008

Happiness IS

There is neither sadness nor disappointment in Spirit, for the Nature of God continually affirms the Good in All things. I allow the happiness that is of the Spirit to flow through my heart and my mind without obstruction. As I gather my thoughts and dwell on God, Infinite Spirit, I find the perfect expression of happiness fills my soul. I erase from my consciousness any belief in anything that contradicts the Omnipresent Good that surrounds me, presses against me and flows through me. This happiness that moves through me energizes my body creating a greater sense of health and wholeness that is mine to experience. Spirit lifts me up to my highest ideal of health, happiness and harmony ... harmonizing all conditions and circumstance that concern me. I am always Divinely guided and directed to that which fulfills and sustains my desire for expansion and growth. My life is a continual demonstration of Spirit's Presence in my life. I know this is so ... and I let it be so ... now.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates