Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, December 15, 2007

December 15, 2007 & Transcending

"God, or Spirit, is Supreme, Infinite, Limitless Personality. And we should think of the Divine Being as such - as completely responsive to everything that we do. There should come to us a sense of communion, a spontaneous sense of an Irresistible Union. If we had this, we would demonstrate instantaneously!" - Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

Knowing that as I recognize the Presence, the Power, and the Intelligence, of God, within me and around me, I understand and unify with the mystical statement, "I am the Light of the World." And as I allow this expression of Light to express Itself through me and as me, I transcend and overcome anything that attempts to hinder my demonstration of the full-ness of Life, now. I transcend the limited for I know I am Un-Limited Potential, expressing fully and completely in all things that concern me; health, love, happiness, peace, joy, and abundant living. I overcome the world as I align myself with the nature of Supreme Spirit and I am lifted up in consciousness to the Power and the Presence of God within me. My life is a perfect demonstration of my dependence on Principle and Principle alone. I seek and I find all the Good that is mine today and every day, as I affirm my One-ness with this Supreme Spirit, God. I am fully conscious of the "spark of the Divine within me" at all times and in all things. I live a life of continual gratitude and appreciation for my Light forever shines. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 14, 2007 & Holiday Gift Shopping

As we learn the practice of prayer-treatment, we realize that we can use treatment for everything that we do ... for in everything we do the "Spirit of Life, Love and Truth" is always with us. Today, let's use treatment for Holiday gift shopping:

As I know that God Is All and the All-ness of God is always where I recognize It; I know that the "spirit of giving" ... which is of God, is with me now. Spirit guides me through my heart and mind to find the right and perfect gifts for everyone on my Holiday shopping list. I know that Spirit is with me as I desire to choose gifts that bring a greater sense of joy and unity with Good, to those who receive the gifts I select. I feel this inner confidence knowing that my gift choices are the right choices for those who are near and dear to me. I enjoy the Holiday Season knowing that as I give, I immediately receive the gifts of Spirit; happiness, joy, love and peace. "Give and be given to," the Great Metaphysician Jesus taught ... and I know that each gift that I give is received with gratitude and love ... and I am One with this gratitude and love. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 13, 2007 & No Obstructions

As I recognize the Power and the Presence of God, and know that as I recognize this Power moving through my consciousness, my words are filled with a dynamic energy. Nothing can keep me from reaching my goals, for the Intelligence that gave me the awareness of them, cannot be obstructed. I am confronted with unlimited opportunities for my mind is open to new-ness; new work, new people, new ideas. Now is the time to set my sights high and go for it ... and I do, knowing that ALL the POWER necessary for me to effect my goals, is mine now. All the right people are attracted to me for the Law of Attraction is always working for me, through me, to bring forth my own success and the success of others. There is always enough to share and to spare as I move forward realizing my goals and my heart's desires. My point of reference is Great-ness ... and nothing or no one hinders my onward and upward move into the life that is mine. The Law is Absolute ... and I am absolutely convinced of my unlimited success now. And for this and for so much more I rejoice with gratitude ... accepting now, ALL that is mine. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007 & Addiction

As President Bush was in the news today discussing his recovery from alcohol addiction, I was reminded that Dr. Holmes wrote a very dynamic treatment of Alcoholism or other Drug Addiction. It can be found on page 553, of The Science of Mind:


There is but one Universal Life, God or Spirit. This Universal Life is a principle of perfect harmony and right action. It is an omnipresent and self-knowing principle, whole and complete within Itself. It is forever calm and peaceful. It is, therefore, a principle of complete satisfaction which knows no unsatisfied desire. The only appetite or desire of Infinite Mind is for complete manifestation of Its own constructive contemplation.
My life is a part of this Universal Life; Its peace, calm and satisfaction are manifesting in and through me now in absolute perfection. My spirit, being one with Universal Spirit, has nothing to desire or long for - save the natural expression of peace, poise and complete satisfaction. That subjective race-thought, which speaks to me as limitation or as desire for abnormal stimulation, has no answering or recognizing voice within me. I turn from all such inharmonious thoughts toward the reality of my oneness with Universal Life (the Father) realizing here in the formless Realm of Reality, the complete satisfaction of knowingness, the sense of calm well-being, wisdom and understanding. Here within the Realm of Reality (the Kingdom of God) I sense the truth of my complete mastery over all things. My body is that concept of Universal Mind which is composed of the Creator's perfect ideas (God's body). Within the form, which is commonly termed the human body, is nothing which can speak to me, demanding anything whatsoever. I dwell within the Realm of the Universal and declare that the calm and complete satisfaction of the Self-Knowing God is expressing in and through me, unhindered and unopposed.
I go forth with a complete sense of masteryd in the realm of form (my earth experience) unafraid, happy and joyous in my expression of all that is desirable and constructive; knowing that all destructive desires and inharmonious thoughts disappear and dissolve into the nothingness from which they came, having no power to perpetuate themselves, since they are neither person, place nor thing.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, 2007 & Employment

I rejoice and give thanks for I know that my prayers are always answered according to my belief. I believe and know that God Is All and All Is God; and I am part of this All-ness of God. And since everything God has created is unified, I know that I unify with the right and perfect job. For everyone seeking employment, there is employment available ... this is unity. As I recognize that Principle is never subject to conditions, my mind is open and receptive to the opportunities for employment that are presented to me. I know within that I have the abilities, knowledge, and skills, that an employer is seeking and I heighten my awareness to connect with this employer, now. I know that as I make the decision to be employed, the Law of Attraction works through me to unify me with the right and perfect employment. I am blessed to understand the Law ... and blessed more still to know how to use It. I give thanks for this perfect employment now ... knowing and trusting that it is done ... I am employed. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10, 2007 & Expect Only The Best

Knowing that I am in tune with the Infinite, I unify with the Good that I desire in my heart. I find success in all that I do, for I know that my consciousness of success is always demonstrating my best in all things. I accept for myself great happiness and joy in my life, for I know that the Presence is a presence of Happiness and Joy as It expresses perfectly through my consciousness. I have the consciousness of great prosperity and financial increase and I find myself always supplied with the money that I desire ... with enough to share and to spare. I know that at the point in which I recognize the Divine Abundance, this Divine Abundance springs forth in my life experience. Love and confidence permeate my mind as I move always forward knowing that the Presence of the Presence of God prepares my way. I know, and I know that I know, that God is expressing Itself through me, as me, and for me ... and in this realization, nothing hinders me from expressing my individuality freely and with liberty. I know that who I am is important for I know that this expression of the Infinite which knows Itself as me, is absolutely necessary for the fulfillment of Divine Right Action in the Universe. I am one with God and one with All of Life ... and as I understand and embody this One-ness ... I feel connected, loved, and love all those who share a place in this Great Universe with me. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, December 9, 2007

December 9, 2007 & Prayer for a Soldier

I rejoice and give thanks for the awareness that as I recognize the Infinite, I am recognizing the One Mind, One Intelligence, One Power, and One Presence that permeates All Life. As I unify with this Mind I know that all the power necessary for this prayer treatment to do its perfect work is right here with me now. In this realization, I accept that the spirit of every soldier is a part of God ... in God and of God. And in this acceptance I know that Divine Guidance and Divine Protection is at work through this prayer treatment. Knowing that All Is Mind, and All Is God, I know that this perfect idea may be accepted by every soldier who is receptive to it. God is no respecter of persons, so I know that no soldier is left out of this treatment. I know that the spirit of each soldier who accepts this idea in mind, is lifted up into a greater sense of their Oneness with God ... with Good ... and in this Oneness, each feels a greater sense of guidance, right action, and security. I know and give thanks that the Presence of God is with them now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates