Every time I turn around, God is blessing me. I feel so grateful for the immense blessings that have manifested in my life and for the blessings unfolding into my life. I know that the All-Good that God Is, provides me with everything necessary for the greatest and happiest experience of life. Knowing that All things come to me with grace and ease, I relax into Mind as I contemplate the ideas for Good that come to my awareness. I know there is enough Good to share and to spare and so I am never concerned about lack or limitation in any Good thing. As I think into Mind how blessed I am ... I am even more blessed than ever. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Faith Offering / Donation
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Prosperity Unfolding
I rejoice and give thanks that prosperity is unfolding with grace and ease in my life now. I know that the Source of my Good; God, Infinite Spirit, blesses me abundantly today with success and prosperity in all that I do. I know that the "laborer is worthy of his/her hire" and so I know that the work that I do and have done, is compensated through my consciousness of Infinite Supply. I believe and know that I believe ... that the Universe continually supports me in realizing prosperity and success to a greater degree than ever before. I allow this Infinite Presence to work for me ... through me ... by opening my mind to an increase in all things Good now. Everyone I meet today cooperates in supporting my success and financial increase. Everyone I meet today is benefited by this cooperation with me. I know that the Universe is a "Unity" ... and the Good for one, is Good for All. I accept this as the truth for me and for everyone now. I let it be so with gratitude and thanksgiving ... and it is so now.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Joy In Knowing
I feel the joy in knowing that God Is Present right where I am. I know that as my mind adjusts to this highest of Truth, I can know that all things are working for my Good. Wherever God Is, Good is ... and this I know is the truth for me and for everyone. This truth lifts me up and I feel a greater measure of enthusiasm as I let my mind be absorbed by the Good. Knowing that God is Present keeps me motivated and my intuition is heightened as I listen for guidance and direction. As I silently commune with the Infinite I feel the sweet joy in knowing that all is well ... that I am in my perfect right place ... and that all things unfold with grace and ease as I open my mind to a greater and more glorious experience of life. "Today is the day the Lord hath made and let's rejoice and be glad in it" ... these wise and beautiful words remind me that what I am accepting as truth becomes the Law of my Life ... and so I accept that my life is a joyous and prosperous unfoldment of every Good thing I can imagine for myself. Knowing this is so, I direct my thoughts towards that which is lovely, wonderful and beautiful ... knowing that as I see my life in this way ... this is the way it is. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
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