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Friday, July 10, 2009

Power Within My Word - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer

My religious experience included the First Baptist Church of Paris, Missouri and then conversion to Catholicism. After many years of experiencing the limitations of religion, my first visit to the Hollywood Church of Religious Science on Sunset Boulevard, was life-changing. Dr. Bitzer's lecture that day seemed like it was directed to me personally ... I was enraptured and felt the bliss within of knowing that I had finally found "the truth that sets man free." Below is one of my favorite spiritual treatments written by the great Dr. Robert H. Bitzer:

My word is my consciousness of specific action. It has intention, purpose and meaning. It is the intelligence of the One Mind moving in a prescribed direction for a definite accomplishment. My word is the movement of Spirit knowing where it is going and what it shall do. It draws to itself its own receptivity and entails perfect cooperation. It knows how to get its greatest response and creates its own recognition as it proceeds.

The power within my word is inexhaustible because it is impelled by infinite energy. It creates its own allies and contributors. I act in complete confidence knowing that my word is self-contained in Intelligence, understanding and power.

My word completes its cycle of perfect expression. I recognize its power and accept its fulfillment. It brings inevitable change and expansion, all of which I accept. I have the consciousness of being its expression. I adjust instantly to the new experience which my word produces, for it is the forward movement of my true being. I have the new ideas that match the new experiences. I am completely oriented in its higher unfoldment.

My word creates the larger expression of that which I am already in consciousness now.
And so it is!

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates