This treatment is paraphrased from statements written by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer and included in his book, "All Power To You" ... which is posted to www.revbates.tv/roberthbitzer.htm :I realize the God Power within me is but the point at which Infinite Principle is finding manifestation. It is not only the source of my supply - It is the actual substance itself. God within me is the substance and the supply. As I find God within myself as the source and substance, and recognize God as abundant, unlimited supply, wealth and money. Then "all these things are added unto me." I am very clear in my consciousness regarding metaphysical law. And I embody a consciousness of success and wealth, now. And so it is.Keep the faith!Rev. Bates
Today, I booked the facility for the Sunday, October 7th event in Hollywood. The title for this symposium is: "Fidelity, Family & Fame." I have a great fondness for Hollywood as my first exposure to the Science of Mind was a lecture given by Dr. Robert Bitzer at the then, Hollywood Church of Religious Science. And so I did a prayer-treatment about nine months ago that I would find the right venue in Hollywood for a speaking engagement. Since this is an independent work, I did not want to be a guest speaker in another church, center or civic organization ... I wanted this to be independent and I wanted the funds to cover the expenses prior to the event. I know that many metaphysical/spiritual teachers charge admission to their seminars/talks/symposiums etc. ... but that is not my way. I know that those who attend are "conscious" of the fact that there are expenses involved and a ministry to financially maintain, and they have the "consciousness" to financially support it to the level that it feels good in their hearts. The money received for this event will finance the next one and so on. So, I am going forward with this presentation for October 7th with an open heart and an open mind, knowing and understanding that God has lead me to it ... and God will lead me through it ... successfully and prosperously. And I am very enthusiastic about the material that is to be presented ... it will be a great benefit to all who attend ... and for this I thank God, Infinite Spirit. Let us know together that every Good thing we can imagine to do, we can do:
Knowing that I am One with Infinite Mind, I know that every Good idea that comes to my awareness is mine to do, to be, or to have. I know that within this idea is the seed of completion, and so I move forward with confidence and quiet assurance, waiting on the Law of my Mind, to demonstrate all things necessary for me to actualize that which I am to do. Everything that comes to me, comes through a grateful consciousness. I am aware of my relationship with Infinite Intelligence, and I consciously keep faith with It, knowing that I am guided and directed to all things necessary for me to accomplish the thing that I am to do. I surrender all things within my consciousness to the Power that Is Greater than Me to strenthen and harmonize my mind with success and prosperity. I accept that which is mine, and I know that which is mine comes to me now ... and always. And for this, and so much more, I am eternally grateful. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
CNN is highly promoting their upcoming program regarding three of the major religions; Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The show is provacatively titled, "God's Warriors," and aptly so as religion has caused so much violence in the history of the world. As I read a few blog entries regarding the show, I was reminded that "religon is only opinion" ... for religion is man-made. And in metaphysics we don't concern ourselves much with opinion, if at all, but with the Truth ... and the term "God's Warriors" is an oxymoron ... it should be titled, "Religion's Warriors" ... God does not "warrior" against Itself. Let us affirm the Truth about God and our relationship to It:
There is only One God, One Mind, One Intelligence, One Power, One Life ... ONE. We are One In God and Of God ... this is the Truth ... for God Is Life Itself ... and we are a part of Life. God Is Intelligence ... and Intelligence is always expressing intelligently throughout the Infinite Universe. God Is Creative Mind ... and Mind is always creating, sustaining and maintaining Order in the Universe. I accept this as so ... the Universe is evidence that this is the Truth. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." This is a powerful metaphysical statement written in the words of an ancient culture, but still applicable today as we understand its meaning. "Lord" ... is our Law of Mind ... in other words, our Law of Mind determines our security, our destiny and manner of living. Let us strengthen our Law of Mind ... the Lord of our lives:As I recognize the only Power and Presence in the Universe, I recognize that this Power and Presence fills my mind and my heart. My mind is focused on that which I am conscious of, and my heart representing my "subconscious" ... moves me through the Laws of Mind that I have established in my consciousness. I affirm my consciousness of prosperity and abundance provides for me all things that keep me from wanting. I affirm my clarity of mind, knowing that I am living my life "on purpose" ... to do and to be that which I know is mine to do. I strengthen my consciousness of harmony, peace, and joy knowing that these things are of the heart ... and my heart is full with harmony, peace and joy ... and these things are evident in all things that I experience today and always. I have established security and wisdom in my mind knowing that the Lord of my life is the consciousness that I have established through the Law of Mind. I am safe, secure, and confident that I actualize all things that I desire without delay. And so it is.Keep the faith!Rev. Bates
I truly admire people who "live to the beat of a different drummer." I think it takes a great deal of courage to "act out" our unique-ness; and yet, that is what we are all here to do. The Infinite has created each of us as infinitely individualized expressions of It. Our finger-prints are but one example of the evidence of the truth of this. We are not here to imitate anyone ... "God-as-me" is not the same as God-as-anyone-else. Emerson stated, "imitation is suicide" ... it defies our unique expression of Creative Mind. Who I am, my unique-ness, makes a difference in the One Mind, let's know this is so for everyone:
As I relate myself and all others to Infinite Spirit, I realize that each and every one of us, receives the "impress" of Creative Mind upon our individual consciousness. Our desires, wants and aspirations are unique to us and for us. I affirm that my idea of demonstrating the Good Life, is unique to me. No one can think for me and therefore no one can accept for me, the form in which my Good comes to me. My unique thoughts about Life are reflected in all things that concern me. My Life is Good, for it is the Life that God-and-I-as-One, created for me. My Good is abundantly rich in unique-ness ... there is nothing of imitation or limitation in my experience. As I surrender all thoughts of "pleasing" anyone or imitating anyone, and maintain the courage to be uniquely me, I am open and receptive to all the unique ideas that Infinite Spirit gives to me ... abundantly. And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Often people will find themselves in situations that appear to be challenging ... and will ask themselves, "why me?" But, for me, I always consider, "why not me?" ... for every seeming challenge always offers us the opportunity to expand our awareness of Truth ... and to demonstrate our relationship with God in a greater way in our life. And who would not want this opportunity? "Why not me" can be included in a spiritual-treatment that is powerful:
As I recognize Life, I recognize that I am a part of It. And in this recognition, I know and accept that Life is subject to change without notice ... and it is up to me to decide if the changes are for the Good. I am blessed to know that no matter what may come my way, there is that within me that is greater than anything in the world I might see. I depend on the Truth in all things ... and I know and understand that as I turn to that which is True and Changeless, I am given all that I need to accomplish that which I am to do. Every experience is a blessing ... so, why not me? ... I am blessed by All and with All that appears in my world of affairs. I accept the Good in All things and know that this Good is always revealed to me ... in the right and perfect time. I know that Life is a blessing ... and that I am blessed each and every moment of my existence. And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
As we maintain an attitude of gratitude, our mind is always open to the Good. And as we seek within our minds to accept more Good, we shall realize the Good that we seek. Let's stir up the feelings of gratitude within our minds now:I am grateful for knowing that as I recognize God, Infinite Presence, I am recognizing the Source of All Good in the Universe. In my mind, I unify with this Good and realize that Good and more Good is mine ... now. I am gloriously accepting the presence of Good in my experience now. I know that all the Good that I can conceive, moves me toward an increase of Good in my life immediately. I am overjoyed to accept that God is moving through my consciousness causing me to have a greater awareness of the Good that is available to me. Right now in this moment, I begin to accept more of this Good that is mine; more happiness, more peace, more love, more joy, more understanding and a greater awareness of my One-ness with the One. I know that as I gratefully acknowledge everyone in my life as a gift of my consciousness, I know that my relationships bring me more happiness ... and more happiness opens my mind to more Good ... all that the Father hath is mine ... and so I am not limited in the Good that I accept for myself. I open myself up to receive and I do receive ... all the Good that I accept for myself and others today. What a great thrill it is to accept my Divine Inheritance ... and what a joy it is to give to God and to all those who are a part of my Good demonstration. And so it is.Keep the faith!Rev. Bates