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Saturday, November 17, 2007

November 17, 2007 & Treatment Practice

Using the methodology outlined in yesterday's blog message, let's do a treatment for greater prosperity:

This treatment is for ___ name ___:

  • Recognition:
    Knowing that All Is Mind and All Is God; I know and believe that this Infinite Presence, Mind, is the only Power, Presence and Intelligence in the Universe.

  • Unification:
    Knowing there is only One Presence, One Life, I have the awareness that this Life is expressing as me and for me, now and always.

  • Acceptance:
    As I accept greater and greater financial prosperity, I know and realize that my financial assets are multiplied abundantly. I accept that this increase occurs in all areas of my life. My compensation, investments and assets, increase significantly in value. Tremendous amounts of money come to me from expected and unexpected channels ... as my consciousness of acceptance increases immensely with my awareness that All is of God and in God ... and in this understanding, I know that I am One with my great desire for wealth, health, happiness and success and my consciousness of wealth demonstrates in my life with ease, now.

  • Gratitude:
    Having the awareness of all that I have received, my mind is focused on what I have ... both in the physical and on the Un-Seen Side of Life. Filling my mind with thoughts of "having" creates authentic gratitude within me always.

  • Faithfulness:
    I have faith in my Oneness with God, Infinite Spirit, and as I trust myself to choose my Good ... I trust Infinite Intelligence, Principle, to unfold it in my experience in the right and perfect time .. now.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16, 2007 & Prayer-Treatment

Dr. Ernest Holmes developed "spiritual mind treatment" from the healing work of the Master Mind Jesus. Dr. Holmes focused on the process in which the mind of man/woman, embodies the One Mind, which is God, and "spiritual mind treatment" or "prayer-treatment" is the result. I would like to share my "evolutionary" methodology for treatment with you ....

Prayer-Treatment involves conscious mental awareness of these five concepts:

  • Recognition:
    We state our recognition that God is All and All Is God; One Power, One Presence, One Intelligence .. back of all creation, now and always.

  • Unification:
    We are consciously aware that God Indwells us; that we are "in God" and "of God."

  • Acceptance:
    We speak our word either orally or silently for the Good that we desire, knowing that there is no opposition to our acceptance of our Good; good relationships, financial prosperity, health, happiness, joy, peace, employment, etc.

  • Gratitude:
    We go deep within our mind and feel a sense of gratitude and thankfull-ness that the Good we have accepted for ourselves, is ours now.

  • Faithfulness:
    Let go and let God; remain faithful to the Great Un-Seen unfoldment of our Good.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15, 2007 & No Duality

As we realize that we are always only dealing with One Power in the Universe, not two, we realize more clearly that there is no opposition to our Good. Let's know this today:

I know and believe that there is only Good, only God ... and that this Infinite Presence is always supporting me and lifting me up to my highest and greatest Good in All things. My mind is always turned to that which I want. I mentally direct my thoughts to the Good that I know is mine. I dwell upon this Good in my thoughts and I let my Divine Imagination expand the ideas of Good that come to my awareness. I know that the realization of the Presence of God is the greatest healing agent available to me. I affirm the Presence is with me, in me, and of me. I know that this Presence expresses Itself through me and as me. I am never separated from God ... and I am never separated from my Good. I am One with the Good that is mine ... now! And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007 & Something's Happening Here

I know and believe that there is only One Power, One Presence and One Intelligence which permeates All Living things. I know that this Presence and Power is the Great Un-Seen, and as I think into this Great Un-Seen, it responds immediately according to the Law in which I have established within my consciousness. In this awareness, I know and believe that every Good thing I desire, is mine in the moment that I recognize the desire and become receptive to it. I know that on the Great Un-Seen Side of Life, the reponse is in the affirmative to that which I affirm as mine. I know that no matter what the appearance may give evidence to, something is happening. There is no delay in God and there is no delay in my consciousness, therefore, my Good is continually unfolding in Divine Right Action. I know this, I know it is so, I believe this, and I believe it always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 12-13, 2007 & Release / Let Go

Knowing that All Is Mind and All Is Good, I release and let go of anything that hinders me from enjoying the best of times and the best of everything, now. I am so filled with the wonder and the beauty of Life that I am constantly amazed and thrilled at the marvelous opportunities available to me. I enjoy success each and every day of my life, and I am continually increasing my "success consciousness" with each decision that I make. I enjoy financial prosperity each and every day of my life, and I am continually increasing the level of compensation that I receive for all the great work that I do. Life is good ... all the time! ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007 & "Prayed Up"

I know as I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I am recognizing the Universal Presence that is individualized within me and as me. There is never a separation between my mind and the Mind of God. Knowing this as the Truth for me, I know that all that I need to know, I know it when I need to know it. And in this understanding and awareness of Mind, I can think my life into a more glorious, joyous, and prosperous experience each day. I am never limited by knowledge, for my awakened imagination goes beyond what I know intellectually. I am never hindered by my past experience, as my imagination takes me beyond all that I have experienced. By recognizing my relationship with God, Infininite Mind, I am "prayed up" ... and connected to the desires of my heart manifesting in the right and perfect time. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates