Faith Offering / Donation


Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15, 2007 & No Duality

As we realize that we are always only dealing with One Power in the Universe, not two, we realize more clearly that there is no opposition to our Good. Let's know this today:

I know and believe that there is only Good, only God ... and that this Infinite Presence is always supporting me and lifting me up to my highest and greatest Good in All things. My mind is always turned to that which I want. I mentally direct my thoughts to the Good that I know is mine. I dwell upon this Good in my thoughts and I let my Divine Imagination expand the ideas of Good that come to my awareness. I know that the realization of the Presence of God is the greatest healing agent available to me. I affirm the Presence is with me, in me, and of me. I know that this Presence expresses Itself through me and as me. I am never separated from God ... and I am never separated from my Good. I am One with the Good that is mine ... now! And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates


Anonymous said...

You are indeed a Wayshower. Peace and blessings, Roger T.

dougnps said...

One line in todays message jumped out at me... " Your mind is ALWAYS tuned to that which you want". I added the all caps to ALWAYS because I need to be more conscious of what I allow my mind to dwell upon. I know this to be true and have for many years. But I looked back over my days thoughts so far and I was surprised how many things I had allowed myself to be thinking about that I actually want to change. Yet nowhere in my thinking, till I read this sentence, did I spend anytime seeing or thinking about them in a different way. Again many thanks.