Faith Offering / Donation


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007 & Something's Happening Here

I know and believe that there is only One Power, One Presence and One Intelligence which permeates All Living things. I know that this Presence and Power is the Great Un-Seen, and as I think into this Great Un-Seen, it responds immediately according to the Law in which I have established within my consciousness. In this awareness, I know and believe that every Good thing I desire, is mine in the moment that I recognize the desire and become receptive to it. I know that on the Great Un-Seen Side of Life, the reponse is in the affirmative to that which I affirm as mine. I know that no matter what the appearance may give evidence to, something is happening. There is no delay in God and there is no delay in my consciousness, therefore, my Good is continually unfolding in Divine Right Action. I know this, I know it is so, I believe this, and I believe it always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

1 comment:

dougnps said...

You sir have a way with should consider working a field connected to public speaking and healing the world. That's a joke son. You know I love you and everything you do help me stay connected to GOD.