Faith Offering / Donation


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 12-13, 2007 & Release / Let Go

Knowing that All Is Mind and All Is Good, I release and let go of anything that hinders me from enjoying the best of times and the best of everything, now. I am so filled with the wonder and the beauty of Life that I am constantly amazed and thrilled at the marvelous opportunities available to me. I enjoy success each and every day of my life, and I am continually increasing my "success consciousness" with each decision that I make. I enjoy financial prosperity each and every day of my life, and I am continually increasing the level of compensation that I receive for all the great work that I do. Life is good ... all the time! ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

1 comment:

dougnps said...

You are so remarkable and I love coming here to get recharged. I promise to make comments more often because you lift me up so often and make a difference in my life... Thank You