My attitude toward life is positive and constructive. I am not antagonistic toward any circumstance or condition, but I am positive in my recognition that Good prevails. My God-Self, in all Its Power, is in conscious control of my life, now.
This positive conviction directs everything in my life. There is that within me which knows where I am going and knows why I shall do everything that I do today. I cannot waver, for my direction is definite. All my energy of spirit and mind is directed constructively. I do not permit myself to wander mentally, emotionally, or physically. All of my actions are directed. Everything I do is the fulfillment of a purpose.
I act with certainty in the conviction that right governs. I am not apologetic to anyone for my actions, nor do I trespass upon the rights of others. My positiveness brings to me only that which is my own and does not interfere with the Good of anyone else. I provide no loophole for escape from my immortal destiny.
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." - II Timothy 4:7
........... written by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, 1957
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Faith Offering / Donation
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Feel Good Faith
I rejoice and give thanks for the best of times and the best of everything. Everywhere I go I experience a greater demonstration of peace, love, joy and happiness. Everything that I do succeeds and prospers for success and prosperity are firmly established in my consciousness. I am always confident that everything that I need comes to me in the right and perfect time ... and it does. I know that I shall always be receptive to a greater Good in my experience as I foster and nurture a "feel good faith" that expresses from deep within my soul. No false sense of modesty or unworthiness shall ever enter my mind for I know that it is for my good and the good of all that I demonstrate the best that Life has to offer me. I know that there is always enough and more for everyone and I only receive that which is mine. I unify with the Good in my mind and I feel the presence of Good surrounding me and pressing against me. I welcome my Good eagerly and with enthusiasm. My "feel good faith" sees me through as I demonstrate a greater Good in every area of my life, now. I know that my faith is one with the faith of God ... and I know that since God has faith in me ... my ever-increasing desires for Good and more Good are fulfilled to my great satisfaction. And for this and so much more ... I am deeply grateful. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Eliminating Fear
I realize myself to be the perfect manifestation of truth; I am one in the Infinite Mind by reason of the fact that there is but one Mind and in order to be all, there must be nothing between this Infinite Mind and myself. I recognize myself as being complete, total, and perfect. In spite of any fear, in spite of any foolishness, I am yet absolutely perfect. That thing which calls itself fear has no ground for the opinion. The one perfect mind is my Mind now. In this one Mind I am healed and known as perfect, complete, limitless, intelligent, radiant, strong, vital, and divine being. There is that in me which recognizes this thing. There is that in me which is open and receptive to this great perfect life. ... and so it is.
- adapted from Ernest Holmes, "Love and Law"
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
- adapted from Ernest Holmes, "Love and Law"
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, June 8, 2008
"God endowed me with the ability to succeed. This God quality of success brings success in all that I do. Divine Principle always fulfills. Everything I undertake I complete. Wherever I go I act in confidence. ... Success is operative in my business and in my finances. Everything I need to prosper is made manifest; the right merchandise, the right customers, the right ideas, nd the right clients. The value of my service is recognized, appreciated, and remunerated. Success governs every transaction. ... The principle of success is manifest in my home, in my marriage, in my relationships with those whom I love. Perfect understanding and appreciation govern. ... This consciousness of success surrounds me with successful people. Nothing of limitation can exist because the infiniteness of God's abundance is sustained. Everyone with whom I work prospers. Everything my thought touches prospers. God knows no favorites but blesses all." - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "the creative word"
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
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