Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, February 2, 2008

February 2, 2008 & The Prayer Of FAith

by Hannah Moore Kohaus

God is my help in every need,
God does my every hunger feed.
God walks beside me,
Guides my way,
Through every moment of the day.

I now am wise, I now am true,
Patient kind and loving, too.
All things I am, can do and be,
Through Christ, the Truth, that lives in me.

God is my health,
I can't be sick!
God is my strength,
Unfailing --- quick!

God is my all,
I know no fear.
Since God, and Love,
And Truth are here.

Friday, February 1, 2008

February 1, 2008 & Healing Confusion or Discord

This treatment can be found in The Science of Mind, page 554. It was written by Dr. Ernest Holmes, author of The Science of Mind.

"I know there is a Spirit in me which unfolds Itself to me; and I know that this Spirit - or Infinite Wisdom and Divine Love and Perfect Law - enlightens my consciousness and awakens within me, within the personal, the knowledge of Its meaning, the realization of Its Presence, and the power of Its Law. I am conscious that this Universal IT is an ever-present Being to me and to every man, because where the Universe personifies, It becomes personal. Therefore, there is within me an immediate Presence, the Infinite of the finite self, all-knowing, all-wise, and forever perfect. It is this Real Me that I seek to vision in my thought, that I seek to embody in my consciousness. It is that ME that cannot be sick, knows no lack, has no limitation, never suffered want, and cannot experience fear.
The Spirit of Infinite Peace is my spirit now. The Presence of That which is perfect is within me, in every function, in every organ, every attribute and every atom. In each cell, there vibrates the perfect Divine Wholeness.
And this comprehension, this application to myself, this knowing-ness, reveals me to myself and heals the apparent confusion and discomfort, because WHERE THAT PERFECT CIRCULATION IS KNOWN, IT IS ESTABLISHED! Where that perfect efficiency is known, it is demonstrated. THE TRUTH KNOWN IS IMMEDIATELY MANIFEST, and I am now conscious of my own wholeness, my own depth of being, the spiritual me, the Divine Self.
And now I know that my Divine Self is not separated from the self that appears; that the Universal Self is made manifest because the Word is made flesh and dwells in the midst of my physical me. The Word becomes activity and surrounds me with a harmonious activity - with happy action and perfect reaction. The Word becomes Light and guides me into all good. The Word becomes beauty and surrounds me with beauty. The Word, which is Substance, becomes supply and brings to me everything I need, because "The Word was with God and the Word was God," and the Word is God.
This consciousness of Wholeness, this recognition of the Self, obliterates every belief of confusion and discord from my life." And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008 & Enjoy Today

I speak to so many people who are waiting for something to happen before they feel they can truly enjoy life. Some are waiting to lose a few pounds, others are waiting for more money, and there are others who are waiting for the right person to make them feel complete. In Truth, these thoughts create affimations of lack and limitation ... and we definitely do not want to live in the consequences of these things. Let's affirm something more wonderful today:

Recognizing God as the Spirit of Love, Life and Truth, today I am keenly aware of my One-ness with that which God Is. I know that the Spirit of Love fills my heart, my mind and my soul. I know and I know that I know that God is ever-Present, in All and through All. In this awareness I know that I have the power to image this likeness of God in my own unique way. I see myself as healthy, physically attractive, marvelously happy and abundantly provided for. I know today is the day the Lord hath made and I rejoice and am glad in it. I live this day consciously at-One with the likeness of God. I feel the peace of the Presence within me. I feel the joy of the Presence within me. And as I do, I rejoice and give thanks that I have developed the awareness to know this is so. I go beyond my past thinking and see myself as I choose to be. And as I transcend the physical in my mind, I see myself abundantly successful and prosperous ... happy and filled with enthusiasm and zest for life. I am now loving this day ... and I am holding this love in my heart forever ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 30, 2008 & Right and Perfect Time

I rejoice and give thanks for the understanding and awareness that all things happen in the right and perfect time. Knowing that God Is All In All, I know and accept that whatever I am experiencing is leading me to that greater experience that I desire as mine. As I realize that all things work for my Good, I know that God is always right on time. There is nothing in me that denies my Good, and nothing in me that hinders my Good. My Good is assured for I know that God, Infinite Spirit, always responds to me. My mind is in perfect agreement with the All-Knowing Mind, which is God, as my Good unfolds with grace and ease. I live in the Good that I desire to experience now. There is nothing that separates me from this Good, for I know that in the Spirit, it is already complete. As I rejoice in this Truth, I feel a sense of peace and fulfillment in knowing that my prayer has been answered ... and always in the right and perfect time. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29, 2008 & One with All Good

Today and every day, I realize that I am One with the All Good, God. My God is my Good and my Good is my God. My Good ... that which I accept for myself, is God made manifest in my experience. The Divine Plan for me is Perfection, Wholeness, and Completeness ... Perfect God, Perfect Man ... that is the Divine Plan and this Plan is realized in my consciousness today. I perceive the Perfection of God around me and I know that It is within me. I am in It ... and It is in me. The Life of God within me is radiant and marvelously joyful and happy. It fills me with confidence and self-assurance. I know that who I am is important to the Divine ... for Its Spirit is the life of me. I have the awareness of the All-ness of God for I know that Omnipresence can never be Present in fragments, always as Wholeness. And in this understanding I know that All of God is right where I am ... at the point of the Universe at which I stand. With clarity and conviction I speak my word and announce my acceptance of love, joy, prosperity, success, and happiness in all things that concern me. I know that God is my love, my joy, my prosperity, my success, and my happiness ... and so I realize that I am never separated from these things ... no matter what ... may appear in the conditions and circumstances around me. I know that where I stand is Holy ground ... for God is always right here with me. I affirm with conviction ... there is no spot ... where God is not ... and this is the Truth for me and for you. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, January 28, 2008

January 28, 2008 & My Own Shall Come to Me

My Own Shall Come to Me

"From far and near my own shall come to me. Even now it is coming to me and I receive it. My own is now manifesting itself to me, and I see and know its presence. My own shall know and respond to me. My own cannot be kept from me, neither can I keep my good away from me. I receive my good NOW. My own shall find me. No matter where I go, it will follow and claim me. I cannot hide myself from my own. My own shall come to me, even though I deny it; for there is nothing in me that can hinder it from entering and taking possession of my Soul."
"My own is now expressed."

My Good Is Complete

"My Good is complete; it is finished; it is now here and is conscious of me and of mine. I do not have to wait for my Good; it is at hand and ever ready to spring forth and express itself to me. I accept my Good and gladly acknowledge it to be my daily companion. My Good is mine now, and I can see it and feel it and know it."
"Today I claim my Good."

............. Meditations by Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

Keep the faith!

Rev. Bates

Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 27, 2008 & Happiness and Joy

I rejoice and give thanks for the Spirit that flows through me, as me, as happiness and joy. I live with an amazing zest for Life, expecting only the very best that Life has to offer. I affirm and know that when I expect the best, the best shows up in the right and perfect time. I live consciously in a state of mind that is at peace with Life. I know that the Universe always supports me in my Good no matter what conditions or circumstances appear in my life. I know, and I know that I know, that my Good is always assured. And so I expand my mind to embody a greater and greater Good at all times. I believe and have faith in my personal relationship with the Divine Presence. I trust It implicitly to provide for me, to guide me, and to direct me in all that I do. I am always in tune with this Divine Guidance as I consciously recognize that I am. I know that "as within, so without" ... and so I gladly accept my role in creating my most magnificent Life experience, now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates