Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, September 8, 2007

September 8, 2007 & I Be Lifted Up!

We know in the Science of Mind that we never solve anything by calling it a "problem" ... afterall, how can we solve an illusion? We know that our mind must be turned to God, the Good, in order for us to heighten our awareness and accept the Good that God has prepared for us. So, we know that what the "unenlightened" call "problems" are merely opportunities to become more in tune with the Infinite ... and let's do that right now:

Knowing that the Principle, God Is All and All Is God, defines my Good as Omnipresent, I cannot be outside of this omnipresent Good. All that I desire is available to me now and always. There is nothing but God ... and so I lift up my spirit to this greatest of Truth and know that I am conscious, awake, and aware, of God's Infinite Presence in my Life now ... there is no spot where God is not ... it is that simple and I believe this, affirm this, have faith in this, accept this and know this at the deepest level of my Be-ingness .... and I delight in the evidence in my life that this is so ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, September 7, 2007

September 7, 2007 & Change

"Life is subject to change without notice," and it is this "without notice" that shakes most of us up. Everyday that we are alive we are living in "change" ... but most of our changes are subtle, so we aren't so conscious of them. Most of us desire change ... that is, change for the better or greater ... and so this is what we treat for. Let's treat ourselves to a greater life:

Infinite Spirit within me and around me, through me and as me, I realize for myself and all others today that changes are happening in our lives. The desires that are deeply held in my heart and mind are unfolding magnificently in my life experience now. I know and accept that "that which I have greatly loved" comes to fruition and is actualized in my life. Nothing can hinder the process of unfoldment of my Good now. I know and accept, believe and have faith, that Infinite Intelligence working through Principle is manifesting my heart's desires in the right and perfect time and the right and perfect ways. I accept that All-things in my life are a joy to me ... every experience brings me closer and closer to the realization of God's Perfect Presence in my life. And for this and so much more ... I am grateful. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, September 6, 2007

September 5-6, 2007 & Power-less

Yesterday I was not able to post to this blog as the power was out at the ranch, but it gave me a great sense of understanding power in the physical compared to Power in the Spirit. We are never without the Power of God working in our lives ... no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in ... and this is the thought that we must always keep uppermost in our minds. As God has created us with the ability to "use" Its Power, if we "choose" ... then we can choose to use It for whatever we want, big or small, makes no difference at all:

As I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I recognize my Creator and I recognize the Truth of my Being. God's will for me is to choose and as I do, God provides all things necessary to bring forth my Good. I choose to use this Power that God provides for me to bring forth a greater and more lasting experience of happiness and joy in living. I have a passion for Life and a passion for the Good for myself and for all people. I let nothing hinder my Good from manifesting in my Life for I know that it is the Father's ... the Provider's ... Good pleasure to give to me ... and what a pleasure it is to live knowing that the Power of God, Infinite Spirit, is always working with me for my Good. I accept this as my Truth and the Truth for everyone ... today and always. And so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

September 4 & Divine, I Am

From Collected Essays of Robert Bitzer: Page 56 … Infinite Mind cannot retract its divine announcement. No matter how far you may seem to wander from the divine fiat, you still remain the divine you. Backsliding is only in thought, never in Principle. You never left your divinity; only your thought wandered. This is important to know. You may have periods when your spiritual growth seems to have stopped. It has not. Nothing has happened to you.
Now let’s get very positive. Begin to give yourself credit. Rejoice in the divine you. Recognize it as a center of power. You are in conscious control, and you know it. Good things are coming to you because you know they belong to you.<>

There is only One Mind and It is the One Divine Mind, God, that permeates the Universe, in and through every living thing. It is in and through me, and is expressed through my spirit. I am a Divine-human, for I am made in the image and the likeness of God; I express love, joy, happiness, peace, light and beauty ... for it is my Divine nature to do so. I am in conscious control of my life for I consciously affirm and know that the "Divine and I are One" ... and I express this Truth through my heart and my mind ... consciously. I am aware of the abundant Good in the Universe and I accept the Good that is mine now .... it belongs to me ... as it has entered into my mind and my spirit of acceptance has claimed it. I rejoice and give thanks that this is so ... now and always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, September 3, 2007

September 3, 2007 & Dr. Murphy Treatment

I sent this treatment from Dr. Joseph Murphy with my message to my subscriber lists this week, but I like it so much, I want to share it with everyone. It is a blessing: "The gifts of God are mine. I use every moment of this day to glorify God. God's harmony, peace, and abundance are mine. Divine love flowing from me blesses all who come into my atmosphere. God's love is healing me now. I fear no evil for God is with me. I am always surrounded by the sacred circle of God's love and power. I claim, feel, know, and believe definitely and positively that the spell of God's love and eternal watchfulness guides, heals, and takes care of all members of my family and loved ones. .... I forgive everyone, and I sincerely radiate God's love, peace, and good will to all men everywhere. At the center of my being is peace; this is the peace of God. In this stillness I feel His strength, guidance, and the love of His Holy Presence. I am Divinely guided in all my ways. I am a clear channel for God's love, light, truth, and beauty. I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all of my problems are dissolved in the Mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I have spoken accomplish that whereunto they are sent. I rejoice and give thanks, realizing that my prayers are answered. It is so." - Dr. Joseph Murphy, The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power,1965

Keep the Faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, September 2, 2007

September 2, 2007 & Lavish Living

I keep my mind and thoughts off "this world" and I place my entire focus on God-in-the-midst-of-me ... as the only "cause" of my compensation, prosperity, and supply. There is a Principle of Abundance and my faith activates this Principle in my life now. I lift up my mind and my heart and know that God is never limited ... and I know, and I know, that I know ... that my life is the Life of God in individualized expression ... and what is true of God in the Infinite ... is true of me in the finite ... I declare this as so and my soul sings to this great Truth. My life is a rhapsody of style and opulence ... I love Life lavishly ... and It returns to me a lavish lifestyle to enjoy and to share with those around me. My consciousness is forever expressing Its true nature of abundance ... and my life is evidence of a greater abundance for all ... now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates