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Saturday, October 20, 2007

October 20, 2007 & It's So Easy

Words have great power and we can use them to effect the results that we want. When I taught ESL classes at the work here in Palm Springs, I had several students tell me that English was "so hard" to learn. So, I decided to counter this seeming stumbling block by writing on the bulletin board in bold letters "IT'S SO EASY" ... at the beginning of each class. The effect was tremendous and the results became evident very quickly. Everytime we make a "definite" statement, we make a decision. Let's make the decision for ease:

I recognize that there is only One Mind, It is God. It is Infinite Intelligence, infinitely expressing through the mind of All Life. I know that we accept this intelligence to the measure that we are receptive to It. And I believe, accept, and realize that "it is so easy" to know what to do, how to do it, and when to do ... whatever my desire is to be. It is so easy to believe in my self and to have great faith in God, Infinite Spirit. It is so easy to heal that which requires healing in my life. It is so easy to realize prosperity and financial ease in my life. It is so easy ... to reach out, in mind, into the Universal Good and accept that which is mind. It is so easy that I do it now ... and I give thanks that this is so for you and for me. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, October 19, 2007

October 19, 2007 & Why Peace Begins With You

Treatment is a process of reasoning to the Truth about a thing. A treatment can be anything that we take into our mind and realize that it is the Truth for us. Let's think about these words from Deepak Chopra [ ] from his article, "Why Peace Begins With You" ...

Thinking for Peace
Thinking has power when it is backed by intention. Today, introduce the intention of peace in your thoughts. Take a few moments of silence, then repeat this ancient prayer:

Let me be loved, let me be happy, let me be peaceful.Let my friends be happy, loved, and peaceful.Let my perceived enemies be happy, loved, and peaceful. Let all beings be happy, loved, and peaceful.Let the whole world experience these things.Any time during the day if you are overshadowed by fear or anger, repeat these intentions. Use this prayer to get back on center.

Keep the faith!

Rev. Bates

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 18, 2007 & Say "Yes" To Life!

Whenever we find ourselves with a seeming feeling of being depressed, we may consider what we are saying "no" to in our lives. As we practice the Science of Mind principles, we know that God is always providing for us, but it is up to us to say "yes' ... and accept the Good that God has for us. Too many times, we want to bring our human judgment into play, and this can cause us to reject rather than accept our Good. Sometimes it takes great faith and trust in God to say "yes" ... without hesitating ... but if we do ... we may find a greater Good than we could have ever imagined.

In the awareness that God is always seeking to give me the desires of my heart, I can always say "yes" to whatever comes to me, knowing that if I do not judge by appearances, the Good that is for me will reveal itself in the right and perfect time. I depend on Principle, and in so doing I am no longer subject to human error, for I know that God Is All and All Is Good, and so I know and believe, accept and give thanks for, all that comes to me, knowing that it is from God. Without hesitation, I say "yes" to Life and expect to experience the Good in all things. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17, 2007 & The Absolute

There are many degrees of spiritual healing. As we seek healing whether for the physical, mental or emotional, the closer we come in our thinking and trust in the Absolute, to that degree we will be healed.

There is only One Mind and that Mind is my mind now. As I realize my unity with the One, I am fully aware that the Truth of me is perfect, whole and complete. This perfection and wholeness is not limited to my human understanding, for in the Absolute there is no limitation. As I become fully aware of God in the midst of me, I know that the Life of God is expressing as me ... perfectly, completely. There is no doubt in my mind that this Power Greater than me fills my consciousness with wholeness. There is nothing in my life that is not of God. My mind is never distracted by anything for it is focused always on the Absolute. I know that besides God there is none other, so I know that I am surrounded and immersed in the All-Good, all the time. I accept this as the Truth of me now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October 16, 2007 & Look Up!

This morning I was reminded to "look up and not down" ... that as we look up into the great beyond, we take our mind off the physical plane and what is going on, and rise higher in consciousness to know that All Is Good ... and put our trust in this Power that is Greater than we are and let It do Its Perfect work in our lives.

Knowing that as I consciously choose to recognize that there is always more going on than what I see, I am acknowledging the infinite possibilities that are available to me. I know that I am not limited to my human understanding, as I open my mind to Infinite Intelligence to guide me. I am receptive to new ideas and new adventures. I am always available for the Infinite to express something more expansive through me. I embrace change and new experiences in my consciousness knowing that change and new experiences demonstrate in my life experience. I trust wholeheartedly in the Infinite impulse to guide me with wisdom, love and harmony ... and I look up to accept that which is for my highest and greatest Good! And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, October 15, 2007

October 15, 2007 & Respect

As we know in the study of evolutionary science of mind, everything in our experience is a reflection of our consciousness. And respect is one of the most telling of all the things that we reflect back to ourselves. As we know, the Law is: give first ... in other words, to be respected, we must first be respectful ... of our self and others. Let us affirm respect:

Knowing that there is only One Mind and that Mind Is God, I know that all that I think into this Mind returns to me. I know that all that is un-seen, will be seen, so I know that the respect that others give to me, is the respectful attitude that I hold for myself and for all others. I know that respecting myself is showing respect for Life and Truth ... for in Truth, each of us deserves respect for we are God, Infinite Spirit, in expression. Knowing this is the Truth for me, I never allow myself to judge either people or conditions ... knowing that my respect for the Perfection of God, expressing in All things and All people, demands that I see the Good ... support the Good that I believe ... and in turn, I see the Good more clearly. And I am grateful for knowing that this is so .. and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 14, 2007 & Receiving

From the author of the Science of Mind, Dr. Ernest Holmes:

Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.
How can we receive that which the mind refuses to entertain? Should we not, then, consciously develop the ability to receive more? We make life little and mean and limit our Own Possibilities when we refuse to accept the whole gift of God. We should open our consciousness to a receptivity of the Divine. There will never be any point of saturation because God is infinite. We cannot contract the Infinite, but we can expand the finite.

Today I ask and know that I shall receive. Today I seek and know that I shall find. Today I knock and know that it shall be opened unto me.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates