As I recognize G-d, Infinite Spirit, in all things and in all people, there is nothing in me to deny my good or the good for anyone. My faith in the Good keeps my mind focused on G-d's perfect Presence and Power as it is revealed in my life. I am never without the confidence and the faith to demonstrate the good desires of my heart or to see the glorious reflection of the Spirit in all people and all conditions. "Besides me there is none other," the scripture reads, and in faith and hope, I declare this as the Truth in all things that concern me.
Consciously, I identify with the Spirit knowing that Its peace is my peace, Its joy is my joy, and Its love is my love. Within me is all that G-d has created me to be; strength, confidence, harmony, success, and faith. There is nothing in me that rejects the Truth that I am in the image and the likeness of G-d and that It has imparted a part of Itself in me, to express as me, for me, and through me, to be and to do and to have that which It desires for me to express.
In this awareness, I declare that I am free to be the me that G-d has created me to be. I am free to be successful, to be prosperous, to be generous and to be loving and loved. I declare that there is nothing that can obstruct the perfect flow of Spirit's expression as me. I live in the joyous confidence of knowing that all that I do shall succeed and prosper. There is only success and happiness for me, now and always. I live fully in the Spirit and I know and I know that I know that Spirit enlivens my heart with enthusiasm and joy. I accept this as the Truth for me now and for all people. I accept that my soul is satisfied with the life that G-d has given me through my consciousness of trust and faith in Its Divine giving-ness and unconditional love. Life in the Spirit is marvelous indeed.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates