Faith Offering / Donation


Sunday, June 8, 2008


"God endowed me with the ability to succeed. This God quality of success brings success in all that I do. Divine Principle always fulfills. Everything I undertake I complete. Wherever I go I act in confidence. ... Success is operative in my business and in my finances. Everything I need to prosper is made manifest; the right merchandise, the right customers, the right ideas, nd the right clients. The value of my service is recognized, appreciated, and remunerated. Success governs every transaction. ... The principle of success is manifest in my home, in my marriage, in my relationships with those whom I love. Perfect understanding and appreciation govern. ... This consciousness of success surrounds me with successful people. Nothing of limitation can exist because the infiniteness of God's abundance is sustained. Everyone with whom I work prospers. Everything my thought touches prospers. God knows no favorites but blesses all." - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "the creative word"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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