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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Awake to the Good

"No good can come to us unless it make its advent through the center of God Consciousness which we are. The hope of destiny is latent in the slumbering thought and genius lies buried until the attention is winged with love and reason. To help those in need is indeed a great privilege. But the blind cannot lead the blind. We must awake to the realization that a Divine Partnership has already been formed between the seen and the invisible." - Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

Today, I am conscious of my great faith and belief that the Universe supports me in my Good. I live without doubt and uncertainty for I know that the Good that I desire, God desires this very same Good for me. I know that as I depend on the Power of God, Infinite Spirit, I realize and actualize success, prosperity, joy, happiness, and love. I know that I am ready to accept .... and ready to receive my Good now. My consciousness is filled with Good and more Good ... my heart sings "life is Good all the time" ... and I am immersed in this Truth as I move forward enjoying the best of times and the best of everything ... now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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