Faith Offering / Donation


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Total and Complete Confidence

I rejoice and give thanks for knowing that the Power and the Presence of the Infinite is always available to me. I know that every idea that moves through my mind is directed by Infinite Intelligence. My faith in this Intelligence is unshakable ... no matter what I may think at any given moment, my thoughts and my faith are directed toward God, the Good. I know that my life and my Good is complete at all times for I know the Truth, now and always. I know that God, the Good, is always with me and always sustaining my total and complete confidence in It. My faith draws my Good to me as I believe and I accept a greater Good each and every day. I know this Power that dwells within me is silently working for my Good at all times and in all ways. I never doubt my ability to receive my Good nor God's willingness to give to me that which is mine. I know that this is the truth for me and for all those who put their faith in God, Infinite Good. The way of the Spirit is grace and ease, and I accept this way as my way now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates


Malcolm Nicoll said...

Dear Rev. Bates:
Thank you for the weekly messages. They are areally life-savers. My question to you is the following:Is faith simply putting our attention on what we want to experience or see demonstrated in our lives more of the time? Your digressions, please.

Rev Bates, The Way to a Wonderful Life said...

Hi Malcolm .. in the scripture we read, "faith is the substance of things hoped for" ... and to me this means that we must "expect" our Good to show up ... and this expecting automatically energizes our faith ... and you are correct, having faith in something means that we give it our attention.
Thanks for the Question .. Rev Bates

Anonymous said...

Holmes defines faith on page 159 in the SOM, " is the acquiescence of the mind, the embodiment of an idea, the acceptance of a concept." On page 411 he says, "By giving our complete attention to any one idea we automatically embody it." In these two quotations we have the meaning and technique of what SOM faith is all about.

beyondtycoon said...

definitely expecting something much greater than what myself can accomplish, in every area of my life, and i am really excited about my life, because what i am seeing and having at this time is not what is. seeing something much greater and being, doing, and having something sooo much grander. for i know that i know that i know, what's on the inside of me will eventually become real on the outside. so i am living in an ecstacy state, even when things aren't what they ought. especially when they are not, i see and feel something different. as Rev Bates always says keep the faith, and eventually if you do, that which you kept will become more real to that which was ailing you.
halelujah :-)