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Friday, December 12, 2008

Perfect Union With Spirit

In this moment I am recognizing the only One there Is, G-d, Infinite Spirit. In the nature of Jesus I declare that I am One with the One. It is expressing Itself through me, as me, and for me to the level of my willingness to "let It." Right now, in this moment, I let It expess Itself through me as health, as happiness, as peace and as joy. I exalt this Presence in my mind, knowing that It is the very life of me. It is my every-thing ... my power, my confidence, my strength and my intelligence. In quiet confidence, I let It move through my mind to guide me and to direct me to that which is for my highest and greatest Good. I surrender to It and dismiss the ramblings of my ego-mind that denies this Perfect Union with Spirit. I know that my blessings, my help, and my Good is always present, for G-d, Infinite Spirit is always pressing against me, surrounding me and dwelling within me as all things Good. I accept this as the truth for me now and for everyone, for I know that no one is left outside of the kingdom of G-d. I am blessed with gratitude and love for the awareness of this Perfect Union with Spirit. I know it is so ... and I let it be so, now.
And so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates


Anonymous said...

I have appreciated your online ministry for some time, but this sudden "G-d" business is quite unnecessary and inappropriate, and smacks of a frivolous fad. I sure don't remember seeing it anywhere in Holmes' writings over the decades I've been studying him. You've lost me as a blog reader.

Rev Bates, The Way to a Wonderful Life said...

Thank you for your comment. I decided to use the spelling, "G-d", as I want to emphasize that the God that I refer to is synonymous with "Good" ... and loves us unconditionally. Certain Jewish writers us this same spelling to emphasize the "sacredness" of God. Emma Curtis Hopkins wrote, "My good is my God and my God is my good" .. in other words, the good we seek is in reality, G-d.
Although I appreciate that Dr. Holmes did not make use of this particular spelling, I am also aware that I am not here to be Dr. Holmes, G-d wants me to be me. And I am called to present the Science of Mind in my own unique way.

Anonymous said...

Hey I for one like this G-d -expression! I don't know how as a word it sounds (or looks?) in the ear of native English speaker, but as an idea I instantly liked it and for me it also sounds ok. It takes a hidden burden away from the difficult word, "God" (which God, what explanation, what theology etc)

Maybe it would be a good idea to explain it also in your weekly message, since you use the expression actively now. Not everyone reading your messages is following this blog, I think.
:) All love, Marjay.

Rev Bates, The Way to a Wonderful Life said...

Thank you Marjay for the good suggestion ... I will include my reason for using "G-d" in my December 28th weekly message.
Blessings to All.

beyondtycoon said...

i have recently wondered why G-d was being used. at first i thought it was a typing error, but then i was seeing it so often, as i read more, that i knew there was some reason why it was typed that way but did not quite know for sure. as always G-d always answers. thank you and that has made it so alive for me, and when i read it, in my being there is a quick thought about the goodness of G-d attached to it.
much blessings,