Faith Offering / Donation


Friday, June 5, 2009

"I Tune My Consciousness to God" by Dr. Carleton Whitehead

God is where I am. The One Presence surrounds me. The divine qualities of Life, Love, and Light encompass me. This is not a blind affirmation; it is a statement of truth, for separation from the Infinite is impossible.

I am not deluded by belief in any power other than Good. Negatives are less than nothing, and I waste no thought and emotion on minus quantities. Only the positive, the good, the whole, and the harmonious are worthy of my attention.

Using my inalienable right of choice, I tune my consciousness to Reality. With marvelous response, the cells of my body vibrate with Life. They unite in actions that flow in the pattern of wholeness. Every string of my emotional being throbs with overtones of the fundamental Love. The harmony in my heart hears its echo in all my relationships. Light radiates in my mind, and my illuminated awareness perceives creation's order and beauty. Attunement has set me on the path that leads from glory to glory.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates


Anonymous said...

'Negatives are less than nothing, and I waste no thought and emotion on minus quantities. Only the positive, the good, the whole, and the harmonious are worthy of my attention.'
Just my thoughts on this statement: You cannot experience positives without the opposite polarity, the negative, to be truly self-realised you must acknowledge the positive mind, the negative mind, and ultimately abide in the NEUTRAL mind, which transcends both polarities. No phenomena would manifest in mind (the only reality of which anyone can speak) without the dancing flux of polarities. There would be no sound (no music!), no light, no colour, no motion, no rest, no growth, no love no attraction, no sex, no birth, no death and so-on. It is rather naive to me to speak of only the positive being 'good' as opposed to the negative being 'bad'- these are simply rather futile attempts by the limited ego to grasp or 'freeze' the unfathomable, infinite dancing flux of ENERGY as it flows in Universe. Ideas of 'Good' and 'Bad' have no reality other than in the limited human mind, when you finally transcend ego-based awareness, you come to a non-dual reality in which 'good' and 'bad' are seen as merely names we give to the limited and ultimately false judgements our flawed egos can make based on the finite amount of information that any nervous system can apprehend at any one point in space-time. Energy/power, (whatever you name it) flowing in universe is above, liberated from and transcends tiny human ego notions of 'Good' and 'Evil' which we experience due to our having a 'separate' physical body and therefore ultimately the delusion of being a separate, individual mind or self. Energy as it flows in the totality of the cosmos, which is WHOLE and beyond direct apprehension by any one observer, is the Divine PROCESS which we may call God.
Apart from that statement, I wholly agree with the sentiments expressed in this uplifting piece!
Blessed be,

beyondtycoon said...

yes only that which is Real, which is Truth is worthy of my attention, everything else is less than nothing. i definitely don't want to waste any more of my time and energy and emotions on those which are only shadows, unreal trying to be real. i desire only that which is Truth, and which is Real. and yes Truth and Reality is all positive, good, wholesome, enjoyable, exciting, satisfying, magnificent, glorious, marvelous, great, amazing, miraculous, prosperity, intelligent, abundant harmonious... living in ecstasy, having a blissful state, when i keep my attention on that which is worthy of my attention. true blessings upon you, in you, and through you