Faith Offering / Donation


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Peace At The Heart Of God Is The Peace At The Heart Of Me

Credit to: Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "The Creative Word"
". . . the work of the righteousness shall be peace." - Isaiah 32:17

My Reliance upon the presence of God gives me poise and power. My relationship with God cannot vary because I am in God and God is in me. Nothing can disturb this relationship. I maintain perfect equilibrium. Regardless of storms around me, or opinions of others, the presence of God in me keeps me stabilized. This conviction keeps me true to my course.

This balance is maintained between my desire and my expression, my thought and its creation. This Presence permits no trouble to come into my life. Nothing of confusion can enter my atmosphere. This peace would automatically repel any approaching disturbance. Wherever I go, harmony is established before I arrive. This same law causes whatever I do, to work out harmoniously. This peace at the center keeps me conscious of the depth of my spiritual power. My awareness of the One Presence sustains my unified being in its right expression. This peace coordinates all action and brings complete harmony on every plane of activity.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates


Anonymous said...

Aww, that's wonderful! Thanks for posting this one... Nice and very wise way to see things or actually a realization I had not had yet.. ;)
Peace and love, MarjaY
P.S. all well here, will send you mail on Sunday

Rev Bates, The Way to a Wonderful Life said...

Thank you ... and I am knowing you are "keeping the faith" in Finland! .. Rev Bates