Faith Offering / Donation


Friday, November 7, 2008

Delay Is Not Defeat

The Spirit of God fills my mind, my heart, and my soul, as I realize within myself that delay is not defeat. "Waiting on the Lord" is simply the process of my consciousness embodying the mental equivalent of that which I desire to experience. As I experience the good that I seek, in mind, I move ever closer to manifesting that which I choose to experience in the physical. There is no defeat in God, and there is no defeat in me. The good that I seek is mine, and I rest assured that my personal relationship with the Infinite is my God-guarantee that it is mine to accept, to receive, and to enjoy, now. My heart is filled with gratitude and great love for that which is within me that knows, and knows that it knows, that all is well, everything is working for my good, and I am blessed ... today and always. And so it is.


Anonymous said...

Bless you for this unbelievably timely affirmation. Once again, you have helped me move from fear into faith.

Anonymous said...

These words have significant meaning to me as I have misused time by not doing the things I should have.
I'm at my crossroads - ready to get my act together and these wonderful words reaffirm it's never to late - you can still do it!
What an enlightening confidence booster it is - it's truth revealed.
God Bless the author, always true...Christopher.