Faith Offering / Donation


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Health Is A Principle Active Within Me - Rev Bates

G-d is my Health ... G-d is the life within me. I close my mind to the effects of yesterday's consciousness, and accept that today, in this very moment, only the health of G-d permeates my being, physically, emotionally and mentally. I am only subject to the Truth of my being; health, happiness, wholeness. I am whole ... holy, for I am of G-d, of the Good. There is no imperfection within my consciousness and no imperfections in my life experience. I identify with health, now, for I know my true identity.

I believe and I know that as my mind is filled with a positive faith, that my health is sustained and maintained with grace and ease. I do not resist that which denies my health, I just keep my focus on well-ness and whole-ness. I nurture the image of myself as healthy, happy, and filled with a joyous wonder that G-d has created me ... that G-d has made me in the image and likeness of good and only good. This is the truth about me now and always ... all that I am is good and all that I am is of G-d.

I accept that the Spirit in-dwells me, that It fills me with Its health, harmony and love. I know and I believe that Divine Love lifts my consciousness into the highest idea of me and of my life now. I accept and I realize that my health is the perfect out-picturing of the spark of the Divine at the center of me. I clear my mind and I rest in the quiet confidence that all that concerns me, beginning right now, right where I am, is a loving reflection of all that is good, and beautiful and of G-d. And for this I give thanks and rejoice in the consciousness of knowing ... for Health is a Principle active within me.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

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