Faith Offering / Donation


Friday, July 11, 2008


PRESENT THE TRUTH TO THE SELF .... Perhaps at first we receive no response. We do it again. We continue presenting the Truth to the self until the first thing we know it is established as a conviction. The idea of perfection within, presented over and over to the self, creates our belief. - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "All Power To You"

I enter into the silence believing that everything that requires healing in my life, is healed. I know that all healing is done in the silence. This is my conviction and I know it is the truth. I accept within myself that God-in-me knows what to do, and does it ... to bring forth the desires of my heart; health, happiness, love, success, and prosperity. I have a quiet confidence in the Truth for I know that It knows no opposition. I bring to the surface of my conscious mind the recognition that I am in the presence of the Presence. It permeates my mind, my heart and my soul. I am not certain where my spirit leaves off and the One Spirit begins for I feel immersed in Its love and Its infinite Good-ness. I know that I am safe and secure, and that my life is sustained by the One Life which is God. This is the Truth for me and for everyone, as there is only One .. and I am in It and of It ... It is my life, my success, my health, my prosperity, my happiness, my joy ... and my love. This is the Truth. I am convinced of the Truth and It demonstrates an abundant Good in my life ... always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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