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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Moving into New-ness

I believe in my prayer and the answer to it, for I believe that the Spirit is aware of me and responds to me. I accept and believe that All Is G-d and All Is Good, and therefore only Good comes to me and only Good goes forth from me. I live and move and have my being in Spirit and the Spirit fills me up with life, love and truth. I identify with the Spirit as It presses against me, surrounds me, and flows through me.

There is a newness in the expansion of the Good that I have been blessed with that is exciting for me. I know that this expansion of my good is unfolding in the right and perfect way and in the right and perfect time in Divine Law and Order. I realize and accept that I have been prepared for this Good. It is the logical out-picturing of my faith, my hope and my purpose. I know that the world is a better place because this Good is being made manifest. I know that the world is prospered because of this Good. And, I know that this world is presented with another demonstration of G-d's infinite love and giving-ness as this Good unfolds from the Un-Seen into the physical.

I am grateful for the Good that I have, the Good that is unfolding and most of all, for the Good that Is G-d. In gratitude and thanksgiving I declare these words as the truth for me now.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev-Henry Bates

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"There Is A Power Within You"

This is the affirmation I use to open the radio program.  We also repeat this each Sunday here in Palm Springs at the church.  I suggest that each person declare this for themselves at least once each day ... Peace and blessings, Rev-Henry Bates

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"The Way To A Wonderful Life" - prosperity series clip 2

This is the clip that follows the first one I posted from the radio program "Prosperity Series":

"The Way To A Wonderful Life"

This is a "clip" from the "Prosperity Series" presented on the radio program:

Keep the faith!
Rev-Henry Bates

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Enlarge Your Vision - Dr. Frank E. Richelieu

From Dr. Frank Richelieu's amazingly wonderful book, "The Art of Being Yourself":

Today, I expand my idea of myself. Today I expand my concept of myself. Today I expand my belief in myself. What I believed yesterday belongs to yesterday. What is important is what I believe today.

I expect to be joyously and spiritually fed. Consciously and subconsciously I accept the fulfillment of my vision. I feel it is the truth of my being now. I feel renewed. I let it go. I now release it completely to Universal Law.

I am part of this great Power within me. Through me, it creates after the pattern I give it. I decree the desires of my heart, knowing they will be fulfilled.

I am a creative individual. I stimulate my consciousness with possibilities of the new and the unusual. Nothing is ordinary. I see possibilities I have never seen before. As these possibilities grow and bear fruit, they benefit others as well as myself. Whatever I do is for the good of all concerned.

Right within me is this unfathomable well of consciousness which contains all wisdom. I draw from it daily. It gives me the ability to succeed. It gives me the know-how to achieve. It gives me mastery over my life. It stimulates me to new growth and activity.

I let Spirit be my stimulus to new and fruitful activity. I realize I have only just begun. Come on, Life, I am with you!

And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Henry Bates

Monday, December 6, 2010

I Have The Courage To Be Myself - by Dr. Carleton Whitehead

The Spirit of God is the one creative action, bringing into being unique expressions of Itself.

I am formed in Spirit, by Spirit, of Spirit. I am imbued with the divine qualities of life, love, wisdom and power. I am endowed with the capacity for unlimited expression of my true nature. In this expression I am in tune and in accord with the upward thrust of creative action.

I am neither an accident nor a mistake. I am not patterned by either heredity or environment. Human ideas and race thoughts do not squeeze me into a mold. I am not limited by world opinions, and I am not bound by any former false beliefs.

I give full freedom to the true idea of me to be, in and through me, the person God intended. I rejoice in the uniqueness implanted in me. God's idea of me guides all my activities.

I give freely that which I alone have to give. Life, love, wisdom and power uphold me as I have the courage to be myself.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev-Henry Bates

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"I Am Free" by Dr. Carleton Whitehead

The Infinite Spirit created me out of Itself and left me free to discover Itself in me as what I truly am. There is nothing in the universe to bind me. I am free to create in my life what I choose to create. I am free to draw upon the limitless storehouse of good. I am free to love. I am free to tap the wisdom and intelligence of Mind. I am free to change my beliefs to accord with this wisdom and intelligence. I am bound in only one way - to experience the out-picturing of my beliefs by the Law of Mind, which is itself the Law of Liberty.

Knowing this, I release from every level of my consciousness any and all beliefs unlike what I truly am. Feelings of inadequacy, fear and anxiety are gone. They were merely reactions to the old belief that I was separated from my good. I release all guilt over past mistakes - results from misconceptions of myself and life. I accept others in the same light as I accept myself. Good Will radiates to all unconditionally. I thus free all relationships to unfold naturally and harmoniously. I rejoice in my freedom to live and let live.And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev-Henry Bates

Note:  Comments have been disabled from this blog due to a high volume of spam.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Treatment for Money by Dr. Raymond Charles Barker

I, [your name], now subconsciously accept this treatment. There is only one Creative Cause, God. There is only one Mind, God. There is only one Life, God. There is only one Substance, God. This present universe is the Glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation. It is alive with the Life, the Abundance, and the Richness of God. I abide in prosperity. Mind created me in order that It might act through me. Therefore, I am receptive to Its abundance. I am receptive to Its circulation in my life in the form of money. Money is God's Idea of circulation in my world of finance. I accept this Idea completely. I appreciate this Idea; I like it. Money being God in Action, is absolute good, it is wholesome. It is a blessing to me, and I am now prospered with it. I have no fear of lack for I believe that I have plenty of money. It is God's Activity in my world. It is God's Activity in my bank account. It is God's Activity in my investments. It is God's Activity in everything to which I lay my hands. This money is flowing, this money is free. I do not attempt to lock it up. I do not put a fence around it. It is God's money, I let it flow in, I let it flow out. As I release it, I know that it comes back to me, pressed down, shaken together and running over. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." I am now free in money. I rejoice in it. I appreciate it, and I thank God for it. I have money forevermore. Amen.

Keep the faith!
Rev-Henry Bates

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The "trick" to "having" is consciousness - Rev Henry Bates

Now that you have your mind off the negatives in the world and focused on the Beauty, say these words for yourself:

As I realize and establish in my consciousness the absolute truth that G-d is the Source and Substance of my good, I know that my consciousness is filled with the Power and Presence of the Infinite. I recognize that in the Presence of G-d, Good, there is all that I require to live a marvelous experience of health, wealth and happiness. I enjoy the thought that money comes to me with grace and ease and that all that I shall ever require or desire, is mine for the asking. I claim financial ease as a law of my life, now. I claim that the principle of health sustains me and maintains my mind, body and spirit in excellent health. My mind is alert to that which prospers me, to that which sustains my health, and to that which is my Source, G-d. I am never separated from my Good for I am never separated from G-d. This Divine Essence that is the life of me, the joy of me, the beauty and harmony of me, never fails me. I am living, right now, in the consciousness of "all that the Father hath is mine" and I am enjoying this experience called Life immensely, right now, right where I am. The trick to "having" is consciousness and my consciousness is filled with the abundant Good that G-d has prepared for me, now. This is the truth for me now, right now, and forever.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Batesr

Monday, October 25, 2010

"That Life Is In Me Now" - Ernest Holmes

The following is an example of a treatment which creates a demonstration:
Realize you have nothing to make, you have nothing to make it out of. Let us realize there is but one Infinite Life from which all things come. Look beyond all manifestation and see the One Power, Essence of All That Is, beside which there is nothing else. That life is in me now; That Life is in me now.
Now, my word is to go forth; everybody must think it through for themselves as I am thinking it through for myself. Your word is just as much as mine; my word goes forth into this power and it shall be done unto me absolutely as I believe.
I believe that the Spirit or Intelligence hears this word and receives it and acts upon it.
There is nothing in me, no doubt or fear, that can hinder it. That thing which calls itself doubt or limitation and fear is not any part of me. It is not me. This word which I speak destroys every false concept, every man-made law, every race suggestion of limitation, and knows itself to be power, and perfect, and eternal, and complete, and omnipotent. It is the law which cannot be broken.
That word which is within me and around me, the divine activity of the Spirit which is eternal, drawing to me, presenting me with every good and perfect thing, surrounding me with its own limitless activity and power, operating within me as the power and center of infinite attraction. The great impulse of this Spirit is love and expression, to express life. Therefore, this word goes forth with an irresistible power; nothing can stand against it. It returns unto me fulfilled in my life as activity, as supply, and if I desire some special activity I will say that this word, this great Mind which knows every living soul, knows that particular person that has need of that; I have and will draw them to me, and I need never know until they come.
Mind knows all, is in all, flows through all, and within and without all and encompasses all. And so that person who comes shall be benefited even as I shall be benefited.
Now I consciously unify myself with all of the activities of power and of right on earth. I am one with all the wealth of the earth and the air and the sea and the land, and everything that is in the universe is mine to use.
And behind it all, and in and through and in and around it all, permeating myself and the thought and the law, is the living spirit and presence of that Being whom we call God Almighty, the One and Only Presence, Divine and Eternal Power, the Infinite Companion.
Thou God Eternal, Thou has heard my prayer and I am blessed.
This word, then, which I speak is absolute, complete, changeless, eternal truth, forever.
Just realize it. Let it go and realize that it is taken up by the power which knows. That is all there is to making a demonstration. You must believe it as the great reality of your life.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Love" - Dr. Ernest Holmes

Today, my love goes out to all people and all things. There is not fear in this love for perfect love casts out all fear. There is no doubt in this love for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of everything that embraces all things. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings joy and gladness to everything, and brings a sense of security and well-being to everyone. And I realize that the love flowing through, in, and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force emanating from the living God.
And so it is. Amen.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"I Give Peace To All" by Dr. Claudine Whitaker

Taken from Dr. Claudine Whitaker's book, "God IS in This Place" ...

The world's confusion and fear cannot penetrate to the center of my being where the Divine Presence abides. As there are depths in the ocean which storms never reach, so there is a Peace deep within me which is never disturbed by the tumult of the outer world. I turn my attention to this sanctuary of Peace. Here I am alone with God. I lay aside my fears and tensions. I say to my restless thoughts and turbulent emotions, "Hush, be still."

In this quiet I listen to what the Inner Voice would say to me. I am conscious of the healing Peace that is filling my whole being. Anxiety, weariness and discouragement are washed away. All sense of burden is lifted from me. This Divine Presence, which is the source of all and permeates all, has my loved ones in Its keeping and is in charge of my affairs. I carry God's peace with me to the day's activities and give peace to all whom I meet today.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Making the Best, Better by Rev. Henry Bates

I know that the Spirit makes the best, better. As I recognize G-d, Infinite Spirit, I know that my mind is recognizing something so infinite that my mind cannot fathom It fully, yet, the Spirit is more personal to me than even the sound of my voice. It is beyond me, within me, pressing against me, closer to me than breathing. G-d is Power, Intelligence and Present at every point throughout this vast Universe. It is right where I am, and where I am going. Always available, always responsive, and absolutely loves me. I know that I am a part of this infinite Presence, this Intelligence, and this Power. I am Its creation and Its incarnation, for It has imparted a measure of Itself within me. I know that all the peace, all the joy, all the happiness, all the beauty, all the health and harmony that is within me, is G-d. Being part of Its infinity, I too, am spirit, life and intelligence.

Knowing that I am here to express more of the Spirit, more of the Good, that is G-d, I am consciously aware that my desires are G-d's desire to express Itself through me. In this awareness, I open my mind to an expansion of the good that I possess and let my mind be filled with more and more good; success, healthy relationships, physical and mental health, emotional stability, and a great passion for life. I accept more good, more abundance, more joy, more love, more money and more of every good thing that appeals to me as Spirit flows through me to make the best, better. I know that I can claim the abundance that is mine, and I claim it now.

I declare that my word is G-d's Word for me ... and I speak my word with clarity as I definitely choose to accept and experience the abundant life now. I am affluent in the Spirit, generously provided for, cared for, and secure in knowing that G-d is my Source, my life, and my joy.

As I release these words, gratitude fills my heart, my mind and my soul for I know that all that comes to me is good and very good ... for all is G-d, making the best, better.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Law of Mind - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer

Even though this is not a prayer-treatment, it explains so much that we should be aware of when we read, write or speak spiritual treatments, that I decided to post it here:

by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer

Creative Mind is always creative. That is the law of its own being. It does not know that when we think thoughts of despair and entertain fear we do not desire it to create these conditions. But it must obey our thought. Since we have the power to choose that which we shall think we can reject the thought that we do not want to objectify and consciously choose the thoughts which will create the type experience which we desire.

This choice must be backed up by conviction. We must get the feeling of our thought objectifying. It is this conviction, or feeling, that gives thought its power. Our negative thoughts sometimes carry stronger emotional feelings than out positive thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate strong feeling regarding our constructive desire. As we think about it and mentally live that which we desire to express, our conviction about it will grow. Feeling gives thought the warmth necessary for gestation.

The more we cultivate strong emotional feelings such as joy, enthusiasm and zeal, the greater power we will give to our word. Through choice of words we control our optimism and good cheer. We can expect things to work out right. We can anticipate good. In this way we discover the law of right action always operating to fulfill our positive, constructive word. As we think at the center of our being, where all is good, our power assumes form. Positive-ness is the only law of being. Thus our constructive word comes to fruition.<>

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Monday, August 23, 2010

Divine Activity - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer

I am part of the movement of the Divine. I do not waste my energy in needless or useless activity. All activity in my life is directed toward my goal; therefore, it has meaning. Everything I do is related to the achievement of my desire. In this way my energy is utilized in its fullest power. I do not spend unnecessary time contemplating details. I know the direction of Divine Activity takes care of all details.

At all times I am at my best and give my utmost to every endeavor. My work is completed on time. I give the right attention each experience merits. I am up to date in my thinking and up to date in every phase of my living. All activity in my life is divinely coordinated, directed, and fulfilled.

This consciousness of right activity dissolves any belief in inaction. My life cannot stand still, for its expression is the constant unfoldment of Divine Activity fulfilling Its goal. Every thought and every feeling bears witness to this progress.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Look Within for My Good - by Rev-Henry Bates

I recognize that the Presence of G-d is in and through all things. It is Intelligence, Power and Spirit. Besides G-d there is nothing. G-d is All and All is G-d. And in this awareness, I know and accept that I am a part of this Presence, this Spirit, this Intelligence and this Power. The good desires within me cannot be contained or limited. They must be expressed and experienced. They have been gifted to me to experience, to enjoy, to feel the happiness of knowing that G-d is working through me.

Always knowing that the only good I will ever experience comes from one Source, I look within to accept and to know that the Spirit of G-d is responding to me in the affirmative. I feel this Presence within me as peace, as trust, as faith, and as a definite knowing that my good is assured. I rest in quiet confidence knowing that all things come to me in the right and perfect time and in the right and perfect way. I do not judge the events in my outer world, but instead, I look within and stir up the spirit of joy, of gratitude, of acceptance and of peace of mind. I know, and I know that I know, that G-d is responding to me. It is the promise kept as I keep faith with G-d and with the good that is mine. I look within for my good and I find it.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates

Friday, July 23, 2010

"The Abundance of Life is My Security" by Dr. Tom Johnson

God is that power and Presence that is forever full and complete, and It is ever overflowing through my consciousness of abundance. I know that wherever I am, the fullness of life permits me to do whatever I want to do when I want to do it, and I do it in style. I am that abundance, and this attitude forever goes before me as the great power that it is. Prosperity is the nature of my life, and I always live out of a Divine surplus. All bills are paid as soon as they arrive. I am fully at one with the abundance of today. My attitude of prosperity affects every area of my life, and everything and everyone in it is wonderful and good.

I spend freely and wisely to fulfill my requirements because I know that there is great abundance everywhere. This abundance lives within my Self, and it greatly blesses the world. I let Divine Intelligence guide my way in the disbursement of my limitless funds. My life is filled with all that I can and do use, uncluttered by the unnecessary. I spend wisely, and I save creatively, and so the abundance of life is always where I am, and this awareness is my security.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Treatment for Retirement by K.T.

I am relaxed and calm. My mind is at rest and it is quiet and still. I take deep breaths and I am at peace.

There is one life and that life is God. God is joy and expression. God is life and fulfillment. That life is my life now. I am part of the expression and joy of life. Spirit is circulating through my life and body. I am one with the universal power.

I know and accept that retirement is just the beginning for me. I accept that my life is full of excitement, joy, and sparkle when I retire. I have wonderful things to do and the freedom I have in my life is fantastic. Any fear that I have regarding retirement are banished from my mind and replaced with thoughts of excitement. I am productive, creative, and dynamic in my retirement. I am self-motivated. I have experiences that are positive and wonderful. Money flows into my life when I am retired. Any fears that I have regarding not having enough money when I retire are replaced with thoughts of abundance. I am prosperous and abundant and have more money than I ever expected when I am retired. Money flows into my life in expected and unexpected ways. I travel when I am retired and have the money and time now to experience this. Joy is flowing through my life and I wonder why I didn’t retire before.

I thank God/Spirit/Universe for my retirement and for being able to experience the joys of retirement. I release this into the universe and trust in God to take me to higher, vigorous, and joyful days.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Center of My Joy

This video was made in my Beverly Hills practitioner practice office about 9 years ago. I really do like the words, "G-d is the Center of My Joy."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

God Giveth the Increase by Dr. Joseph Murphy

I believe in my heart that I can predict for myself harmony, health, peace, prosperity, and success in business. I enthrone the concepts of peace, harmony, guidance, success, and prosperity in my mind now.

I know and believe these thoughts (seeds) will grow and manifest themselves in my experience. I am a gardener; as I sow, so shall I reap. I sow God-like thoughts (seeds), and these wonderful seeds of success, harmony, prosperity, peace, and good will, automatically will bring forth a wonderful harvest. I nourish and sustain these seeds regularly and systematically by thinking with interest on them. I know my subconscious mind is a bank which multiplies and magnifies whatever I deposit. I will draw out the fruit of the wonderful seeds I am depositing now.

I make these thoughts real by feeling the reality of them. I believe in the law of increase in the same manner that seeds deposited in the soil come forth multiplied 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold. Like seeds, my thoughts dwell in the darkness of my subconscious mind, and , like the seeds, they come above ground (become objectified) as conditions, experiences, and events. I think frequently on these things, and God's power is with my thoughts of good. God giveth the increase.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Love Is expanding my Good" - Rev. Bates

I rejoice and give thanks for the best of times and the best of everything, for I have established the Love of G-d in my consciousness. I know that this All-Present Spirit is right here, right where I am, giving me Its Power and Intelligence to guide me as I move forward, onward and upward towards a greater success and abundant living.

I know this "I Am" ... this G-d within me, Love Personified ... is expanding my awareness and spiritual perceptions tremendously.I have faith in what I am doing for I know that the Divine is guiding and directing me in definite ways towards that which is for my highest and greatest good and the good for all. I am blessed as I heighten my awareness of the Presence of G-d in all things that concern me. And, I know that my good expands because it is the Nature of the Infinite to expand the good as I see it expanded and multiplied.I affirm that only good comes to me and only good goes forth from me and I affirm this for each and every person who feels this same sense of the Presence within them, pressing against them, and surrounding them. I give thanks for this, now.

I have great faith in G-d, in myself, and in the Principle that I can absolutely depend on, always. I am blessed for knowing this and I receive all things that bless me in the right and perfect time, as Love expands my Good, always and in all ways.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Loving G-d, Loving Life, Prospering Abundantly by Rev-Henry Bates

"He who offers God a second place offers him no place." - RuskinG-d is Present.

G-d knows. G-d knows for me. I know that G-d is here, nearer than hands and feet. There is only G-d, for G-d is Spirit, Life and Truth. The Law of G-d is Absolute. It can be no other way for G-d is no respecter of persons and personal to All. G-d is the Source of Life, my life and All life. There is nothing else, no other Life, and so life must be a part of this One Life and so we are. Spirit, Mind, is everywhere. G-d's Peace is everywhere. Jesus knew this ... Buddha knew this ... and I know it.I am, because G-d Is. This is the Truth.

I am resigned to G-d's Love in all things. I am part of G-d's Love, G-d's Peace, G-d's Joy, strength and power. I am in the Presence and of the Presence and the Presence is Present with me, now. The Light of Truth shines through my consciousness.My life is guided and directed by the Law of G-d, for I know, and I know that I know, that G-d's Law is heavenly and happy. As I dwell on these things, my mind is open to the gifts of G-d however they may appear. I do not judge.

I let all my needs be met, effortlessly, joyfully. G-d's Intelligence reigns supreme within my mind as I recognize that this is so. G-d is the master within me, Emanuel. I have an unashamed devout love for G-d and for life, for living and for giving ... and so I always have something to live for and something to give. I am not impressed with the labels that the world ascribes to me for G-d has already imparted to me Its image and likeness. In this Spirit of knowing who I am and what I am about, success and prosperity come easily to me. I am always assured that G-d guides me through the desires of my heart and that I am aligned always, with the abundant good, enough to share and to spare. I do all things easily, without struggle, without worry, and without doubt, for I know that G-d is moving me toward that which prospers me abundantly.My gratitude reveals the "kingdom of heaven within me." I appreciate my G-d and I know that "of my own self, I can do nothing" and so I give all credit to G-d, to the Spirit that invites me to be grateful, to be loved, and to love G-d with all my heart and soul. It is in loving the Source of Life, that gives my life meaning and gratitude aligns me steadfast with this love as I release these words into the Love and Law of G-d, letting them be made manifest here and now.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates

Monday, April 26, 2010

Money Treatment by Dr. Raymond Charles Barker

I am re-posting this to identify Dr. Raymond Charles Barker as the author of this treatment (thanks to Ron & Jim for providing this info):

I now subconsciously accept this treatment. There is only one Creative Cause, God. There is only one Mind, God. There is only one Life, God. Thereis only one Substance, God. This present universe is the Glory of God. It is moving, flexible, fluidic creation, it is alive with the Life, the Abundance, and the Richness of God. I abide in prosperity. Mind created mein order that It might act through me. Therefore, I am receptive to Its abundance. I am receptive to Its circulation in my life in the form of money. Money is God's Idea of circulation in my world of finance. I accept this Idea completely. I appreciate this Idea; I like it. Money being God in Action, is absolute good, it is wholesome. It is a blessing to me, and I am now prospered with it. I have no fear of lack for I believe that I have plenty of money. It is God's Activity in my world. It is God's Activity inmy bank account. It is God's Activity in my investments. It is God's Activity in everything to which I lay my hands. This money is flowing, this money is free. I do not attempt to lock it up. I do not put a fence around it. It is God's money, I let it flow in, I let it flow out. As I release it, I know that it comes back to me, pressed down, shaken together and running over. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." I am now free in money. I rejoice in it. I appreciate it, and I thank God for it. I have money forevermore.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Saturday, April 3, 2010

God Expresses As Me by Dr. Carleton Whitehead

God is the Spirit, Mind, and Essence of the Life universally present. Therefore, right where I am, God is. My spirit is the Spirit of God. My mind is the Mind of God. My being is the very Essence of the One, uniquely individualized as me.

The light of this fundamental truth radiates into every area of my thought and feeling. All dark and hidden fears are dissipated, leaving me free to move in all relationships with faith and trust. Dissolved are all shadowy doubts of my capacity to meet the challenges of growth. I face each one with the certain awareness that the Spirit which I am knows only victory.

My body, formed of the One Life Essence, is charged with universal energy. Designed in wholeness and health, it is the truly wonderful instrument of the Spirit and Mind of God which I am.

From my mind flows a continuous stream of ideas that pours life, love, and inspiration into every situation I encounter. Action is revitalized, harmonized, and lifted into a new dimension of creativity. I glory in the expression of God as me.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Thursday, March 11, 2010

" I Am Self-Knowing, Self-Projecting, Self-Fulfilling" - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer

My consciousness is all-knowing and fully informed regarding all that I want to be and do. It weighs the pros and cons involved in every decision and develops an infallible balance in every conclusion. Its clear decisions are backed with tremendous power for fulfillment. Consequently, I do not waiver nor falter.

Every step I take is in divine order, and all things everywhere work toward the accomplishment of my desire. I am fearless and resolute because my self-knowingness reinforces my decision and keeps it fresh.

This firm conviction causes me to act with confidence and power. This authority of my inner being makes itself apparent in all relationships. My authority over myself is complete. It concerns no one else. Wherever I am, I am in complete command. I place myself where I am, and I can remove myself.

I am the complete law of operation. I am serious in my decisions and undertakings and keep out conceit and false pride. I am free from tensions and strain, for I let the law do its perfect work without interference. I am conscious of the divine fulfillment.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Friday, March 5, 2010

Right Activity is Continuous - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer

The energy of the One Mind never slows down. Nothing in life ever stands still; every manifestation is intense activity. Divine Wisdom operating in me gives this activity constant direction. Divine Wisdom is never wasteful in Its activity, but always directive and fulfilling.

Infinite Intelligence knows no lull in my finances or anything else that concerns me. My business is Its activity consciously directed for the fulfillment of specific patterns. Activity is always guided by Intelligence. It knows where I am going and makes me fully conscious of all potential in the situation when I arrive. Intelligence cannot be encumbered or bogged down. No matter what responsibilities are involved, Its active, energizing power cannot be slowed down. The greater the demand placed upon It, the more vital Its forward thrust.

Wherever I go, this activity makes alive and vital all relationships. Everyone I deal with is successful. Every place I go is prospering, for this activity always sustains perfect being.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev-Henry Bates

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Unlimited Love, Unlimited Life - Rev Bates

I rejoice and give thanks for knowing that everything that I experience is G-d revealing Itself to me. In Its infinite Love for that It has created, this Loving Infinite Presence is present at all times and in all things. I never waver in my recognition that G-d is Love and Love is G-d ... everything that I see is evidence that this is the truth. I give my self to this Loving-Presence as I bring G-d into my conscious mind; to contemplate, to appreciate, and to listen to that still small voice guide and direct me lovingly and intelligently.

I seek the Presence of G-d in all things that concern me for I know that as I recognize Love ... Love responds to me. Love is always giving. Love is patient and kind. Love does not insist on having Its own way but lets me choose the way in which I will experience It. Love rejoices in the truth, and so I speak my truth knowing that my words shall become the thing that I declare them to be. Love lets me name It ... and claim It, for my very own unique experience of Its loving expression. Love has no end, no finality ... but always an on-going experience in my life now and always. I am never stalled, delayed or denied, in my expression of love for it flourishes in me, through me and as me. It is the very life of all that I do, think and feel. It is the joy of living made manifest. It is unlimited in Its expression and It flows through me as unlimited Love and unlimited Life, now and throughout eternity.

And so it is.


Keep the faith!

Rev Bates

Friday, February 5, 2010

Depend upon Love - Dr. Frank E. Richelieu

I know love is the answer to every problem or discomfort that exists or appears to exist. Therefore, I use love, not a sentimental, concerned love, but the love that stems from the center of my being and radiates out to make right my world and the world of those I love. I feel this love welling up within me. I see it penetrating and absorbing everything unlike itself. I can always depend upon this love, for it is a quality of Divine Mind. It is an ingredient of the universe. I breathe love in. I exhale love. I see love in every person and thing in my life. I recognize that harmony, peace and love are the very substance of my life and beingness.

And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates

Sunday, January 31, 2010

"I Am Established In Truth" - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer

Spiritual Treatment: I do not belittle anything that I do. There is no great and no small; only ideas demanding fulfillment. Each experience is important. Each idea contains a life experience. I am an integral part of the Divine Pattern.

God works by means of me. I am essential to the divine unfoldment. Consequently I accept myself as a necessary adjunct of God. Without me God would be handicapped. That is why God created me. Of course, God could have created whole regiments to do what needed to be done, but God created me.

With deep gratitude I accept the choice which Spirit made. My divine self-recognition honors and glorifies Spirit. I am about my heavenly Father's business. I joyously fulfill the divine requirements. I glory in my cosmic role. In accepting myself I provide the outlet of the Cosmic Mind to be. The power of my self-acceptance glorifies the power of the Infinite Mind. I am all that It is. My complete demonstration is inevitable.

And so it is.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Health Is A Principle Active Within Me - Rev Bates

G-d is my Health ... G-d is the life within me. I close my mind to the effects of yesterday's consciousness, and accept that today, in this very moment, only the health of G-d permeates my being, physically, emotionally and mentally. I am only subject to the Truth of my being; health, happiness, wholeness. I am whole ... holy, for I am of G-d, of the Good. There is no imperfection within my consciousness and no imperfections in my life experience. I identify with health, now, for I know my true identity.

I believe and I know that as my mind is filled with a positive faith, that my health is sustained and maintained with grace and ease. I do not resist that which denies my health, I just keep my focus on well-ness and whole-ness. I nurture the image of myself as healthy, happy, and filled with a joyous wonder that G-d has created me ... that G-d has made me in the image and likeness of good and only good. This is the truth about me now and always ... all that I am is good and all that I am is of G-d.

I accept that the Spirit in-dwells me, that It fills me with Its health, harmony and love. I know and I believe that Divine Love lifts my consciousness into the highest idea of me and of my life now. I accept and I realize that my health is the perfect out-picturing of the spark of the Divine at the center of me. I clear my mind and I rest in the quiet confidence that all that concerns me, beginning right now, right where I am, is a loving reflection of all that is good, and beautiful and of G-d. And for this I give thanks and rejoice in the consciousness of knowing ... for Health is a Principle active within me.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Friday, January 8, 2010

Treatment for Supply by Dr. Ernest Holmes

A treatment after this manner should prove the law of abundance in the life of those who use such statements, and believe in them:

"I am surrounded by pure Spirit, by God, the Living Spirit. My thought is God thought, and it is the law unto that thing where unto it is spoken. Everything that I do shall be a success. I am led, guided and inspired by the Living Spirit of Love and of right action. I am compelled to move in the right direction and to always know what to do, where, and how to do it.

"I am surrounded by right action. I am filled with the consciousness of right action. Right action is success in all that I undertake to do. I am successful in all my undertakings, and I am compensated for all my efforts. I am surrounded by Substance, which is always taking the form of supply and always manifesting Itself to me in the form of whatever my need may be at the time.

"I always have an abundance of money and an abundance of whatever it takes to make life happy and opulent. There is a continuous movement toward me of supply, of money, of all that I need to express the fullest life, happiness and action.

"I have an inner understanding of my place in the Universe. I know that it is unique. The Divine has not incarnated in anyone else in just the same individual way that It has in me. I am unique and forever individualized. Therefore, I do not need to imitate anyone or to long for the good that belongs to another. All good is now mine and is now manifest in my experience. I do not compete with anyone, for I am and remain forever myself. This self is united with all selves, but is always an individual and a unique self.

"There is that in me which all people recognize as worth while and desirable, and everyone whom I meet loves this self of mine and recognizes its worth. I draw all toward me and those whom I can benefit and those who can benefit me are irresistibly drawn toward me. I do not strain, will or coerce. I know. The Truth makes me free from the fear of poverty or bondage, and emancipates me from the thought of limitation. I see that money, like everything else that is desirable, must be a spiritual idea, and I know that I have this idea right in my mind at this moment, I shall always have this idea of abundance. It is mine and I take it.

"The opportunity for self-expression and compensation is always open to me and I am at all times compelled to know, accept and operate upon this opportunity. I have abundance because I am abundance.
"All that the Father hath is mine."
And So It Is.

Keep the faith!

Rev Bates