Faith Offering / Donation


Monday, December 3, 2007

December 3, 2007 & Effectice Prayer/Treatment

"Effective treatment must be independent of any existing circumstance whatsoever else it will not enter into the realm of an Unconditioned Causation. It will have fallen to the level of those secondary causes which seek to perpetuate themselves in human experience. To rise above the contemplation of conditions is to enter that field of Causation which makes all things new in our experience. From this viewpoint there is no hard or easy case to handle. All cases represent but different phases of human belief and one would yield to the Truth as quickly as another if we were sure of our spiritual position." - Dr. Ernest Holmes, "The Science of Mind" [page 414]

Principle is the Power that made everything ... It is Absolute ... It is God ... and All things are of It and in It ... and in my awareness of this the greatest of Truth, I know and I know that I know, that as I depend on Principle ... not person, place or thing ... that which I choose to experience, to have, or to do ... is mine ... for Principle cannot be denied. It is God's Good pleasure to give to me, and as I have received my every Good desire from God, I know and accept this Good as mine now. I have an absolute conviction that God is working in my life now to bring forth into my experience a greater measure of prosperity, loving companionship, happiness, peace of mind, success and joy. There is nothing in me that denies this ... and I know that Principle knows and does that which is necessary for me to experience these things and so much more. My health is assured as I depend on the Principle of Health that reigns supreme within my consiousness. Nothing can disturb my thought ... or negate my Good ... for my awareness of the Absolute Power of Principle is my calm assurance that my Good comes to me now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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