Faith Offering / Donation


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6, 2008 & Boundless Love

I know and believe that God is boundless love, the only Presence and Power. I know and believe that God is Life and I am part of this Life that God is. As I unify with God, Infinite Presence, in my mind, I feel uplifted, strengthened, and poised to speak my word. I know that my word is my deep, abiding faith and conviction that God responds to me. Realizing that this is so, I speak my word for happiness, for joy, for prosperity and boundless love. I know that the beauty of God lies within my consciousness and this beauty out-pictures in my life as wonderful, loving companionship, peace, vitality and joy. I feel the truth of these words deep within my soul and I accept and receive the love, happiness and joy that is mine to experience today. I feel wonderfully at peace, lovingly strengthened, and deeply grateful for all that I am and all that I receive, now and always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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