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Friday, February 8, 2008

February 8, 2008 & Louise Hay and Success

Louise Hay is one of my very favorite metaphysical teachers and authors. Way before "The Secret" became the book to read, Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" has helped people all across the globe to do just that. Her writings are practical and easily understood. The following are some affirmations for success written by Louise Hay followed by a treatment for success:

Divine Intelligence gives me all the ideas I can use.
Everything I touch is a success.
There is plenty for everyone, including me.
I establish a new awareness of success.
I am a magnet for Divine Prosperity.
I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.
Note: Pick one of the affirmations above and repeat it for several days. Then pick another and do the same. Allow these ideas to fill your consciousness. Don't worry about "how" to accomplish this; the opportunities will come your way. Trust the intelligence within you to lead you and guide you. You deserve to be a success in every area of your life.

************ TREATMENT FOR SUCCESS ***********

In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I am one with the Power that created me. I have within me all the ingredients for success. I now allow the success formula to flow through me and manifest in my world. Whatever I am guided to do will be a success. I learn from every experience. I go from success to success and from glory to glory. My pathway is a series of stepping stones to ever greater success. All is well in my world.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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