Faith Offering / Donation


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2, 2008 & Faith

This treatment was written by Douglas Albert, a 2nd Year Science of Mind student here in Palm Springs:

I have only faith in myself and in GOD. I know that I live by the Universal law of LOVE and that LOVE fills my being completely. I am LOVE, I am LOVED and I LOVE others and the world I live in. My mind is filled with LOVE. I know that I am LOVED by GOD and GOD is the source for everything in my life. My mind which is the ONE Mind being used by me can hold only one idea at a time and I choose LOVE over all else. God supplies my every want & need GOD is my source for all things. I am provided for by GOD and I accept all the good intended to be mine. I choose to have an Abundant, Successful, Opulent, Healthy, Prosperous, Happy LOVE filled LIFE NOW! I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE EXTRODINARY LIFE I HAVE BEEN GIVEN and I am Grateful for the ability to understand and learn how to accept the truth about my life and to accept all that GOD has given me. I choose to use wisely my ability to create my world now! Thank you GOD for having only FAITH & LOVE in me And so it is AMEN.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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