Faith Offering / Donation


Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7, 2008 & Friendship

ON FRIENDSHIP by Ernest Holmes
Preface ...the person who sees what they want to see, regardless of what appears, will someday experience in the outer world what they have so faithfully seen within . . . The God of love cannot hear the prayer of the one who fails to love. In our meditation for friendship, let us make our unity with all people, with all life.

Treatment: God in me is united with God in all. This One in now drawing into my life all love and fellowship. I am one with all people, with all things, with all life. As I listen in the silence, the voice of all humanity speaks to me and answers the love that I hold out to it.

The great love which I now feel for the world is the Love of God, and it is felt by all and comes back to me from all. I understand all people and this understanding is reflected back to me from all. I give friendship and therefore I have friends. I help, therefore I am helped. I uplift, therefore, I am uplifted. I am now surrounded by all love, all friendship, all companionship, all health, all happiness, all success. I am one with life. I wait in the silence while the Great Spirit bears this message to the whole world.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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