Faith Offering / Donation


Monday, July 30, 2007

July 30, 2007 & Promises

Today I enjoyed the experience of being reminded that "time is on my side" ... as I had the intention to write this message and treatment earlier but ran into a computer technical problem ... but, here I am and so I can keep my promise to myself to write a treatment for this blog every day ... and here it is:

Knowing that all my thoughts are responded to and affirmed by the One Mind, I keep my promises that I have made to myself and others. I shall always know that I have time for everything that I have the intention to accomplish. I shall always assure my spirit that I am never rushed, hurried, or stressed ... I shall always be at ease with life and with time and this I promise myself. I shall never be in a rush to see my demonstrations before their right and perfect time. And I shall promise myself to always be clear in my mind as to what I desire for myself and others so that confusion is never present in my consciousness ... I shall always take the time to "know" what I want ... and then "choose" accordingly and treat "specifically" for that which I have promised myself. And today, I am grateful to know that I can promise myself to live the life that I choose ... a life filled with happiness, sweetness, joy, love and financial ease ... and I know, with great gratitude, that the One Love that is God, provides me with all that is necessary to let this be so. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates


Anonymous said...

As in many things -- I'm new to blogging; brought to it in faith and joy through my spiritual guru, Rev. Bates. And I'm inspired to profess that the "return on our deposits" are without our control. The only thing we control is WHAT we deposit -- and sure as "God made little green apples," the return is manifested, self-designed. We may not realized our role in the good that we receive, but I'm here to tell you it is beyond your imagination!
In the past two years, more good has manifested in my life -- which was rebounding fm a sudden separation by the transition of my beloved husband -- than I even knew I could pray for. More family, more love, more riches, more friends, more all that is good, including the miraculous discovery of Rev. Bates in Palm Springs when I was "grieving" the loss of my home church in L.A. It's not magic -- it's mystical.
Today I deposit my joy and wonder for the Good in my life, knowing that my return is already real, already wonderful and already paid for. Peace & Love

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the nice post.