Faith Offering / Donation


Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 26, 2007 & Great Gratitude

Gratitude has crossed my mind so many times today. My mind is energized with gratitude. I am grateful for so many things but especially the work that I have been given to do. I love the work that I do with this ministry and I am so grateful for all that it has given back to me. My treatment today is an affirmation of great gratitude:

God in the midst of me is touching my heart with gratitude. My thoughts are in tune with the Infinite as I thank Infinite Spirit for all the Good that is in my life. My heart is open and receptive to the giving of the gifts that flow through me from Creative Mind. My love and joy is enhanced each day as I affirm that my consciousness is one of gratefulness and success. Gratitude leads me forward with a greater receptivity for Good ... I accept more and more Good as my consciousness is ever-increasing in Its capacity to embody more of the abundant Good available to me. I know that the Law is "give and be given to" and I am obedient to this Law knowing that I can never out-give God ... and for this understanding and awareness, I am ever so grateful. And so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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