The War debate continues in both the U.S. and other countries around the world, and that is a fact. But no matter what our opinion of these wars or of war in general may be, let us take the time today to pray for all the soldiers across the globe who are doing that which they are called to do:
I fix in my mind the idea of security and safety for all the soldiers in the world. I know that the soul of each soldier is an expression of Infinite Spirit ... and I know that this military experience goes beyond this moment in time and is part of the Divine Plan to call us back to remembrance that we are One, One in God, for this is our ultimate purpose on this planet. I know that each soldier carries with them a "part of God" ... and I know that the spirit of these courageous men and women is part of the collective seeking of the Good; Peace, Harmony, Light, and Love ... and I am knowing that right where they are ... God Is ... and in this knowing I can realize that God sustains them and maintains them in Its Eternal Love and Life ... and so it is. Keep the faith! Rev. Bates
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