Faith Offering / Donation


Monday, November 5, 2007

November 5, 2007 - Celebrating

On November 15th, 2007, will celebrate 8 years on the Internet. That is eight years of weekly messages and responding to questions and prayer requests. It has been a wonderful eight years and I am looking forward to greater growth and expansion of this ministry as it moves forward. Let's affirm growth and expansion in all the Good that we do:

Knowing that All Is Mind and All Is God, I know and understand that I am One with God and One with All that Is. I know that as I place my intention into the Law, that the Law works for me by working through me. I know that as I affirm growth and expansion of the Good that I have already received, I can know and accept that my growth and expansion is multiplied abundantly. I see myself with a greater and greater measure of support, both spiritual and financial ... and I see myself working with an expanded consciousness of God awareness and a greater awareness of my place in the Universe. I know and accept that the work that I do heals, prospers, and blesses all who are receptive to being healed, prospered and blessed ... and I realize that there is a greater receptivity for spiritual healing throughout the world, now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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