Faith Offering / Donation


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 2, 2008 & Be Happy

"Some suffer, some are happy, some unhappy, according to the way they contact life. No one judges us but ourselves. No one gives to us but ourselves and no one robs us but ourselves. We need not fear either God or the devil. There is no devil, and God is Love. The problem of good and evil will never enter the mind which is at peace with itself. When we make mistakes, we suffer the consequences. When by reason of enlightment and understanding, we correct such mistakes, we no longer suffer from them. Understanding alone constitutes true salvation, either here or hereafter." - Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, pg. 383

My mind is always focused on what I do right and what is Good. I know that as I do, my mind is in perfect alignment with the One Mind which is God. There is nothing between me and my Good for there is nothing between me and my God. And as I know this is so, I break through all the illusions of negativity that creep into my mind from the collective consciousness, and I declare with absolute authority that I am Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and at Peace with all things and all people. I choose to be happy, therefore I am happy. I choose to know God as Love and therefore I know God as Love. I choose to see God in all people, and therefore I see God in all people. I choose to see Good in all things, and therefore I see Good in all things. And this ... makes me Happy! And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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