Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Absolute Faith in God

I have an absolute faith in God, Infinite Spirit and as surely as I live and breathe, I know that my life is God expressing Itself as me and through me. Knowing that God is One and indivisible, I know that I live and move and have my being in Spirit. I believe that God in-dwells me and in-dwells All of Life. I know and I know that I know, that God is Spirit and Spirit is Mind ... and since there is only One Mind ... what is known anywhere can be known everywhere. I know and I accept that my absolute faith in God is gifted to me by God Itself. I know my relationship with God is a spiritual union that can never be broken. My desires are God's desires for me ... my accomplishments are God's perfect work in form. I blend perfectly with God and God is my light, my love, and my everything. I know that God and only God gives me the fullness of joy and the satisfaction of a life of happiness and success in all things that concern me. I see God in all things and in all people and this absolute faith that this is true, reflects back to me as Good and more Good in my life experience. I remain ever-faithful to God ... to Life ... and to the Principle that responds to me without fail. I know this faith is a great blessing and for it and so much more ... I am forever grateful. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi dear Rev.
Thank you for the wonderful treatments!

About last weekly message: I always love when you speak about love;)

..."everything Good that we can imagine for ourselves, Love wants us to have" - I'm never tired to hear about love. This statement gave me a completely new perspective, LOVE wants us to have:) Though I've learnt that God is love and God wants me to have...throught the deep desires of my heart, it seems I have not really got this love-concept on a deeper level, what-is-love...what it means that all is love and what it means personally for me right this moment. You can explain it all so well, thank you! :)

" It is this Love of God that gives us the Good desires that enter our minds ... and it is the Love of God that moves through Law to bring forth our Good as It works through our faith, hope .. and love. It is Love that agrees with us when we seek the Good ... and it is Love within us that springs forth in our mind as faith and hope." <3

With all love, marjay