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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Within Me Is The Power To Believe

"And this is life eternal ..." - John 17:3

I put aside all beliefs in a mortal self because I know that I am Immortal Mind. An entire new world is open before me now that I understand the creativeness of Mind. I know that my emotions cannot use me, I use my emotions; not can body enslave me, because body is my servant. I do not permit myself to think in terms of body, age, nor emotional feeling. I am Immortal Mind and body responds to my thinking.

The Spirit within me which is God, is neither young nor old. It knows nothing about age. Spirit in me knows this same truth about me. I am neither young nor old. I am the awareness of God Mind conscious of its own divine completeness. I am not afraid of years nor do I have any dread of time. I live in the eternality of being. Immortality is not something I must gain; it is the consciousness I already have. I was born with it.
- Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "the creative word"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

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