Faith Offering / Donation


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 11, 2007 & False Ideas

Just in case there are those of you who do not read the comments to this blog, I received this question yesterday: "Question: How does greed tie in with all of this? Specifically, is a greedy person coming spiritually from a space of lack and limitation? Or are they simply affirming their abundance? If that person recognizes that there is plenty to go around, then why does he want more or feel that there's never, ever enough? Any thoughts, comments?"

I would just like to note that "greed" is of the "competitive mind" ... a person who entertains a "greedy" state of mind will never be satisfied or happy ... because "greed" wants to have more ... not to share, not to put to good use ... but to satisfy a sense of limitation that is fearful. Our work then is to know that "greed" is a "false idea appearing" ... and is not the "true" person ... but an apparition of the self that is working through an unresolved issue. Let us affirm the Truth for everyone today:

Knowing that there is only One Life and this Life Is God, I know and accept that everyone I meet and everyone I know is part of this One Life. And in this knowing, I realize, believe and accept that All people are One in the image and likeness of God. So, I lift my thoughts above the fog of human interpretation, and I interpret only goodness and love as the Truth for everyone who comes into my experience today and every day. As I unify in my mind with this Principle of Goodness, I feel a greater enthusiasm for life and a greater enthusiasm for participating in the human experience as It presents Itself to me today. I see only the Good ... only God ... and in so doing I affirm the Presence of God within me now ... and within All people. And what a glorious feeling this is ... to know that God Is All ... and All Is God. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates


Anonymous said...

I applaud you for your insight and wisdom. Your simple, direct approach to issues gives me clarity and also heightens my conviction and faith.

dougnps said...

Well GREED always reminds me of the movie "WALL STREET" and the speech by Michael Douglas Greed is GOOD. Which back then really bothered me because I couldn't believe anyone would think greed could be good. That movie is now like 20 years old, so I've had some time to grow up. And I realize we all get to accept for ourselves what we want. And I choose not to allow concepts like greed much time in my experience so as not to give them MY ENERGY. Although Mr. Douglas's character presented a compelling and shinny image of the concept with all it's attractive characteristics everything about greed implies lack and lack like greed are those "false ideas appearing real" and don't belong in a world with a loving GOD...which is the world I choose for me.