Faith Offering / Donation


Saturday, July 14, 2007

July 14, 2007 & Heaven & Hell

Rev. Carlton Pearson is getting a lot of media attention and is being called a "heretic" by some Christian leaders, as he speaks about his revelation that there is no hell. He teaches that whether we are sinners or saints, God redeems us all in the end as this is the nature of a loving God. And in this I agree with him. But, I would go further and declare that there is no heaven either, for heaven is not a destination, but a state of mind ... a realization of the In-dwelling Presence of God. Let's affirm this Truth and know that it is so:

Recognizing the infinite Truth of Being, I recognize and know that there is only God, only Good. And in this recognition of the All-ness of God, I embody the "Kingdom of Heaven" right where I am. All the Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy and Happiness that God Is .... is available to me and I accept my Good now. I do not let my mind wander to a "heaven out there" as I know I can accept my "heavenly conditions" in this life experience. I do not delay my Good by thinking that my Good is beyond this moment, for I simply embody and embrace the Good that is mine today. I give thanks to God for my Good knowing that it is mine now. And I embrace with gratitude all those who participate in my demonstration of Good, always. And I know and accept that my attitude of gratitude continually provides me with Good and more Good, now and always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

1 comment:

Lola said...

Rev. Dr. Bates:

I recently read about Brother Pearson and his experience. The acceptance of this truth may not come in his lifetime, but that doesn't make it any less true. It is all state of mind, and I choose my "heaven" right here and now. I have been reading your Sunday messages for a few years now, and you are on target. Thank you for acting on what lives in your heart.

Peace and blessings,
Lola Anderson