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Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007 & Depression

The master metaphysician, Louise Hay, wrote in her book, "You Can Heal Your Life," that depression comes from the thoughts of "anger you feel that you do not have a right to have" and "hopelessness" ... and both of these are very valid ... but there is another "cause" that, I believe, is more prevalent. And that is that we are repressing something within us, that Spirit wants to express through us. And oftentimes, we do not know what it is because our mind is so consumed with the depression that we don't let the idea in that will free us from it. Let us move in mind to open our consciousness to the awareness of what Spirit is seeking to express through us now:

In the silence of my own consciousness, I believe in an absolute, unconditioned, Principle, operating spontaneously, that responds to my direction, right now. I know that as I declare that I have the awareness of what Spirit desires to express through me, as me, and for me ... that which is to be expressed is revealed to me. I know that Spirit is motivated by Love and in my desire to co-create with It, a loving response is given to me. I know that nothing hinders the unfoldment of this idea in my mind. I accept it consciously and I act on it, as the idea comes to the surface of my mind. Knowing that God is in the midst-of-me, I am confident of my role in expressing this desire, and I know that only an expansion of Good is unfolding for me ... as I have established this as the Law of my mind now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates


dougnps said...

Rev. Dr. Bates I think both those concepts contribute to depression...for me there's something else that compounds the issue. You talked about it in church on Sunday and that's patience. Giving time and allowing things to unfold for us. I'm guilty of being in a hurry and buying the illusion our hurried world shows to us constantly...hurry up and wait. Each day I do my treatments and include in them that I be patient and allow GODS good to unfold in IT'S own time and not mine.

Malcolm Nicoll said...

Just a note to express my gratitiude to Rev. Bates for creating this forum. I've heard it said that Joy doesn't necessarily happen TO us but rather WITHIN us. If this is so, it's my understanding that joy can be ours at anytime, anywhere regardless of what amy be happening on the 3-dimensional plane. My personal bouts of depression were generally eliminated immediately once I remembered and recognised that I am blessed beyond measure. I believe that anyone who will take the time out and count one's blessings, will experience a conversion. Complaining/whining is a uge part of depression. For many of us, it's a habit pattern. An attitude of gratitude and thankfulness transforms us from a moper and complainer to someone who is radiant with joy. As long as we are thankful state of mind, and resonate the vibration of appreciation, how in the world can depression get the best of us? Seems to me that one cancels out the other. We just need to be reminded of this truth more often. This forum is in many ways that reminder. Many blessings from the San Francisco Bay Area.