Today Spirit brought to my awareness the spirit of Hope and as I think about all that is happening in the world, I know that "hope springs eternal." I was very touched today to watch the troops on television as they recorded their messages to their families and those they love for the Christmas Holiday. My heart was filled with hope for them ... that they will "move through" this mission that they have been assigned, and return to their loved ones and family safely and sanely. My hope is never in vain, for my Hope is always in God ... knowing that as I trust in this Infinite Power and Presence to reveal harmony and peace ... that the way to the peace that we seek will be revealed. This Power Greater than we are can always be counted on to reveal to us the ideas and awareness to create a better world for you and me. And in this eternal guidance towards peace and love for one another, we can know that nothing is ever lost. No life is ever wasted ... as life never dies ... for Life is God and in God ... eternally. And this is the Hope that springs eternal in my heart and mind this day as I celebrate my Oneness with all the Soldiers and Military personnel all over the globe, and our Oneness with Almighty God, Infinite Spirit ... forever and ever expressing Itself as Life, Spirit, and Truth. My hope is always in Spirit ... and it can never be denied. And so it is.
(photo from Camp Striker, Baghdad)
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
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